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okeechobee, FL says:
January 17, 2013
Insurance Complaint against:
Coverage Type: Health Insurance
- General - I feel abused by this company
I am P.O.A. for my elderly mother. Two months before my mom came to live with me and my husband, a Sales Rep. from A.S.S.I. (American Senior Services, Inc.) came to my mother's door and introduced himself. Although she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's 2 months prior to the visit, she allowed the man to enter her home. He told me, after I called him at the end of the day, when I went back to Mom's, that he was aware that she already had an insurance policy for "long term care", which he, too, was selling. He told me she definitely needed more help. She gave him a check for $125 and that gave him the information he needed to debit her account on a monthly basis. I was in touch with the salesman for six months when he told me that it's out of his hands now, that I needed to contact the office for an "aid" for my mom. Two more months went by with a debit of $125/mth., and they were unable to provide my mother with an aid. By this time, my mother was now living with my husband and me. The principal of the company told me he would be happy to reimburse the full amount that had been debited, but I needed to write a letter to them asking for cancellation. I WAS DENIED! Meanwhile, this is elderly abuse knowing the person needed a...
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jackson, MS says:
January 16, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: State Farm Insurance
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle
- Claim Handling - Denial of Claim
i was in an accident on july of last year. i was going through my GREEN light and the lady ran her light and totaled me out. she had no insurance. she told the police that her light had malfunctioned and the policy report said there were no witness ok so i contacted my insurance company which is statefarm told them what happen and everything now how is it that the lady who hit me told my insurance company that there was a witness but told the police that there wasnot one so statefarm held me liable and paid the lady who hit me my own insurance company statefarm is a piece of shit and if you have this insurance company then you need to cancel them becouse when you sue your uninsured motorist statefarm will make you pay theY donnot take care of there people they are a ripoff and BIG FRAUD...
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Campbellsville, KY says:
January 16, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: GEICO
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle
- PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Reimbursement
- PolicyHolder Service - Unfair Negotiation
- Claim Handling - Unjustified Accusations
- General - I feel abused by this company
I was in my first accident last feb,2012. My insurance is through GEICO, The accident was not my fault as per the police report, My first doctor didnt want me seeing a chiropracter so I found a doctor who felt if it was giving me releif then it was fine with her but the chiropracter who I chose because it was down the street from my work and easy access,didnt seem to know what he was doing, after I ask for a MRI due to continued headaches, he didnt know how to order me one so I went back to my Doctor Jewell and she gave me a referal to a neurologist, Dr Angles, I was able to see him twice and then was told I couldnt come back till Geico paid the past bills, I rescheduled for an appointment in August28,2012 but the bill still hadnt been paid and the Dr Angles wouldnt see me, pain continues and Dr Jewell gives me medications but I want to fix the problem,not just medicate it.
I called an other chiropractor Dr Gresham and she was wonderful, she showed me how to get relief and to work the inflamation out of my body,until GEICO has refused to pay the chiropractor saying I waited to long to see her, now I cant go back to the chiropractor until the bill is paid, its around 4,000.00,
I was told by my attorney Kaufman of Louisville,Ky ...
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Humble, TX says:
January 16, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: Chartis
Coverage Type: Commercial General Liability
- Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer
- Claim Handling - Fraud
- Claim Handling - Unjustified Accusations
- General - I feel abused by this company
My wife and i were leaving Beaumont Texas headed to Baton Rouge to get another worker to assist me at a priniting co. We came to Beaumont Sat. the 12 of April 2008, and left after a good sleep at 4:30 - 5 am that Sunday morning. Once we got to Lake Charles and through the curves we were rear ended by some supervisor on his way to work. I was driving with the cruise on at 60 mph and he hit os so hard the trunk was pused into the backseat and we were pushed off of elevated freeway aprox. 25 ft. in the air, struck a light pole and ripped it out of the ground and slid down it until we ran into an entrance ramp at Enterprise Blvd that brought us to a stop. His vehicle flipped over on its driver side door and still went several 100 feet passed where we came to a stop.
we are still dealing with this insurance co in 2013 who had a 10 million dollar rider in effect in 2008 at the time of the accident. I am a taxpaying american whose funds were used to help AIG when they needed help,(AIG is Chartes) , and because of the extremely delayed actions of settling a claim which they are responsible, why can't this billon dollar co. take care of what they were paid to do for there were laws put in place to make sure that me and my wife and all ...
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Buckfield, ME says:
January 16, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: Hartford
Coverage Type: Disability Insurance
- Claim Handling - Denial of Claim
- General - I feel abused by this company
My horrific experience with the Hartford! I was told this is the best disability insurance available, if that is true, everyone using the Hartford is in trouble. I have a back injury and The Hartford is the Long Term Disability insurance carried by Central Maine Medical Center in Lewiston, Maine. After 5 months of sending more and more paperwork, I have been denied on my initial claim and my appeal. I am now hiring a lawyer to get them to pay. I am asking for more money due to the suffering I have had to do because of no money to get my prescriptions refilled. Diabetic meds, pain meds and meds for high blood pressure (probably from dealing with The Hartford). I am about to be evicted, have my truck repossessed and lose everything that means anything to me because I cannot pay for it without income. They have an agent in Lewiston that cannot understand why they are not paying my claim. I was informed that i can only go after what they owe me and possibly legal fees. I should not have to go through all this and no one else should either. If I were able to work an 8 hour day, I would much rather be working than trying to walk 100 yards without needing my cane to help me get back home.
I've been told I seem depressed! Imagine that,...
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vancouver, WA says:
January 15, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: Allianz Global Assistance
Coverage Type: Travel Insurance
Got Allianz Global assistance for my trip to Las Vegas. I left Portland Oregon Nov. 28 for Vegas for a stay through December 5th. I became ill with aches, cough and flu sometime on the 29th of November. Didn't think I wanted to stay in my room by myself for the rest of the trip or make the people I was with sick, so I called the airline and went home at 3:00pm on 30th of November. Went directly to my doctor on December 1 and got medication for my cough and flu.
I sent all documentation to Allianz Global Assistance and was denied because I dndn't stay in Vegas by myself. Seems they only pay for the claim if u stay 100 miles from where u become ill. Does this make any sense? I had no one to take care of me in Vegas, I would have been in the hospital, which would have cost them a lot more. They are a frudulent company that has all kinds of exclusions to cover anything so they don't need to pay a claim!!...
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Myrtle Beach, SC says:
January 14, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: Mutual of Omaha
Coverage Type: Life Insurance
- Claim Handling - Fraud
- General - I feel abused by this company
I had taken out $100,000 life insurance policy with General Mills Inc which the ownership of that corporation changed to Darden Restaurants. The life insurance was paid in full by myslf in 1995. Presently, I have been contacting Darden Restaurants and keep getting the typical verbal run around. I have requested numerous times to have my records mailed to me and it has not been done. Two different individuals made different statements One stated that my policy ended when my employment ended which is absolutely not true because the life insurance was an elected policy to take on and had nothing to do with employment. The purpose of the life insurance were for my three children. that being anthony, Thomas and Ashley if something had happened to me. It will not be shared with their cousins like the reasoning by the individuals whom have fraudualently made changes. Currently I am taking action and making complaints with the Attorney General's Office of each state where the wrong doing has been done. The insurance was taken out with Sygma and the holding monetary party was metro of Omaha I believe....
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Universal City, TX says:
January 14, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: Aetna
Coverage Type: Health Insurance
- General - I feel abused by this company
I am on my wife's TRS Aetna ins. as a secondary ins. behind my Medicare policy with AARP United Health Care. Without my authorization, Aetna disenrolled me from AARP policy and enrolled me in their Medicare policy.
The notice came in while my wife and I were on a cruise in December. We got back on the 23rd. With the holidays going on, I did not get to the mail until Dec. 31. I found notices from AARP telling me I had no coverage and Aetna telling me I had been enrolled into theirs.
I had an appointment with the Dr. set for Jan. 3. I moved it back to Jan. 18th. I am out of some of my meds and need a Dr.s prescription to get them.
I called Aetna on Dec. 31st and had them disenroll me from their program as I was happy with my AARP ins. I tried to get my AARP ins. back only to be told I will have to deal with Medicare directly. As of this writing I am waiting to hear back from Medicare. I am without ins. and am told it could be Feb. before anything gets done.
Aetna has put me in a very bad position of having no ins. and being unable to get the needed Dr.s prescriptions which may have put my health at risk.
What, if anything can I do about what Aetna has caused? Please advise....
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st. petersburg, FL says:
January 14, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: Assurant
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle
- Underwriting - Premium Too High
- Underwriting - Refusal to Insure
- Underwriting - Cancellation
- Underwriting - Unfair Surcharge
- PolicyHolder Service - Denied Access to Services
- Claim Handling - Fraud
- Claim Handling - Denial of Claim
- Claim Handling - Unjustified Accusations
My complaint is against all auto insurance companies opperating in the state of Florida as well as the Dept.of motor vehicles,the state legislature and any other publicly elected servant of the people and lobbyist or group thereof who by their lack of integraty,their personal greed,their malfeasant and sociopathic uncaring attitudes towards the driving public contribute heavaly towards the collusive agendas of these insurance criminals whose sole purpose is to commit fraud and embesslement against the very people whom they owe their opulant lifestyles to.However much they proclaim their quasi legal positions they are no less FELONS if only by moral ineptitude.These people are incapable of conducting their business affairs in a respectable manor in my opinion.I would perticularly like to mention some of the more serious shenanigans of these thieves.
First:did you know that weather you want it or not you will be charged aprox. $15/mth for hurricane ins.on your vehicle even if it is owned outright by you.However,if you own your home outright you are not required to do so.This is profiled bias for the commision of fraud and as such qualifies itself as unconstitutional.In 59 years of driving in this criminal enterprise they ca...
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Lewiston, MI says:
January 14, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: AAA
Coverage Type: Homeowners Insurance
- Underwriting - Cancellation
- Claim Handling - Denial of Claim
We have had our home insurance with AAA since 1997. Due to the damage from the snowstorm we had on December 20, 2012, I called AAA to file a claim. This is the first claim we filed in all the years we have been with AAA. They reported back that our insurance had been cancelled due to non-payment. We had never received a statement or cancellation notice from them. For several years, we would go to Florida for a few months in the winter. We always filed a change of address with the post office. When we would return from Florida, a change of address was filed with the post office down there which was the office of the campground we stayed in. Our mail was always forwarded to us in Michigan. They claim we never changed our address back to Michigan which, of course, is not true and that is why we never received their correspondence. I can see not receiving one notice but two is very improbable. They are covering up for someone.
We feel that AAA is at fault and someone in their company neglected to do their job....
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1037 more
I have an Insurance Complaint!
January 17, 2013 at 9:59 AM
Nancy, We just added American Senior Services, Inc. to our list.