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Gail's complaint:
January 16, 2013

Insurance Company: GEICO
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle

  • PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Reimbursement
  • PolicyHolder Service - Unfair Negotiation
  • Claim Handling - Unjustified Accusations
  • General - I feel abused by this company

I was in my first accident last feb,2012. My insurance is through GEICO, The accident was not my fault as per the police report, My first doctor didnt want me seeing a chiropracter so I found a doctor who felt if it was giving me releif then it was fine with her but the chiropracter who I chose because it was down the street from my work and easy access,didnt seem to know what he was doing, after I ask for a MRI due to continued headaches, he didnt know how to order me one so I went back to my Doctor Jewell and she gave me a referal to a neurologist, Dr Angles, I was able to see him twice and then was told I couldnt come back till Geico paid the past bills, I rescheduled for an appointment in August28,2012 but the bill still hadnt been paid and the Dr Angles wouldnt see me, pain continues and Dr Jewell gives me medications but I want to fix the problem,not just medicate it.
I called an other chiropractor Dr Gresham and she was wonderful, she showed me how to get relief and to work the inflamation out of my body,until GEICO has refused to pay the chiropractor saying I waited to long to see her, now I cant go back to the chiropractor until the bill is paid, its around 4,000.00,
I was told by my attorney Kaufman of Louisville,Ky that I have 10,000.00 of PIP to use for my medical bills and I havent gone over, my attorney says its not just me but theyve been doing this to many customers, My credit rating has fallen 200 points in last 8 months, I have an attorney to fight against the other insurance company but I didnt think Id have to fight my own insurer, Help Me Please !!!!

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