los angeles, CA says:
July 27, 2012
Insurance Complaint against: Allstate
Coverage Type: Homeowners Insurance
- Underwriting - Unfair Surcharge
- PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
- PolicyHolder Service - Incompetent Employees
- PolicyHolder Service - Delays/No Response
- PolicyHolder Service - Unfair Negotiation
On July 1, 2012, I telephoned the Allstate insurance agency I have been doing with for approximately 9 years. I purchased and paid for in full the premium due on my auto insurance and my yearly homeowner's policies. I gave my credit card info and GUESS WHAT! the agent charged the auto policy to the correct credit card and charged the homeowner's premium to a credit card I have not used for 3 years and has a zero balance. I immediately contacted the agent when I received the statement and asked what's up. She said it would take time to fix?????? I called the agent the next day and she connected ME with a third party at ALLSTATE who said I would have to make another premium payment before she could credit the incorrect card? DUH I again asked for the credit back to the incorrectly charged credit card and this ALLstate employee "SHE DOES NOT TALK TO CUSTOMERS". It gets worse. About 10 days later I again called to find out if the credit back to my account was taken care of. I was told by my Allstate insurance agency "they were working on it". At this point the field specialist got involved and the saga is still on going. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT = I am now getting more billings from ALLSTATE for late fees - I am now getting bille...
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Louisville, KY says:
July 26, 2012
Insurance Complaint against: The Travelers Companies
Coverage Type: Homeowners Insurance
- Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer
Louisville Kentucky experienced a horrendous hail storm on April 28th, 2012. We have a slate roof. It is expensive to repair or replace. We call a reputable roofing contractor who estimates the hail damage at 33,000.00 to repair. Insurance company sends out a "kid" adjuster who writes an estimate for
2,500.00. He says we only have 27 tiles damaged. Somebody has a date with the Better Business Bureau or Kentucky Insurance Commisioner respectively. You tell me how two estimates can be 31,000.00 apart? Friends-it never fails. It is always about them and not you. They give new meaning to pooring money down a black hole....
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Margate, FL says:
July 26, 2012
Insurance Complaint against: Allstate
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle
- PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
July 16 2012 i recevied a call tell me that a claim had been open reguarding the accident i was involved in on July 6. The only problem with this is myself nor my auto was in a accident. However beccause info provied i.e. policy #, givin to Allstate by the person that was rearended, a claim was opened pryor to obtaining a police report. The Police report contained the following, auto collor blk MY IS RED, the vin# number DIDNOT MATCH MY AUTO,the tag# DOES NOT MATCH MY AUTO.MY name nor anything else about this accident has anything to do with ME. I have takin the time to prove to the locale agent that myself nor my vehical were involved in any auto accident. However i received a letter on July 25 that a claim was open and one or more Allstate employee may contact me reguarding this claim. I HAVE NOT HAD A ACCIDENT NOR HAS MY VEHICAL BEEN INVOLED. WHAT I JUST THE GUY PAYINNG. BAD BAD BUSINESS PROCEDURES....
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Naples, FL says:
July 26, 2012
Insurance Complaint against: United Auto Insurance Company
Coverage Type: Homeowners Insurance
- Underwriting - Unfair Surcharge
United Property & Casualty Insurance Company of Sarasota,FL.
quoted us a total cost for homeowners insurance of our home at 4061 Trinidad Way, Naples, FL, of $1528 beginning 6/1/12 thru
6/1/2013. They provided us with a written contract and billing for same, which we paid and have receipt for. A month later,
they changed their minds and billed us an additiona $484 premium with no explanation why. Our agent told us that they
contacted our previous insurer, Sunshine State, and got possession of their new wind mitigation survey ... which differed from our own survey which was purchased in 2008. Please look into this situation and let us know what, if any,our rights are. Thank you....
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scarborough, ME says:
July 24, 2012
Insurance Complaint against: Liberty Mutual
Coverage Type: Homeowners Insurance
- PolicyHolder Service - Delays/No Response
- Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
chimney leak into condo master bedroom on June 2,2012.Condo president(M.P.Ward)&insurance co.(Peerless/Liberty Mutual)have not done any damage exam or repairs. I have emergency tarp over chimney which I initiated.Stratton Woods Condo Phase 1 President M.P.Ward &insurance agent Cheryl Beeman of Peerless Ins. have not informed me of any action since an e-mail of 7/18/2012 from Beeman to Ward telling claims adjuster(Peter Dube)NOT to contact me. AS OF THIS DATE,NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE TO REPAIR THE CHIMNEY LEAKS.M.P.WARD,C.BEEMAN.OR P.DUBE ARE NOT COMMUNICATING/CONTACTING ME.THIS A HELL OF WAY TO HELP AN 85YEAR OLD CITIZEN.
TUESDAY,JULY 24,2012 AT 1:44PM...
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Austin, TX says:
July 24, 2012
Insurance Complaint against: Allstate
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle
My daughter had a accident march 9 2012 according to the police report happened at 12:30 pm around 4 pm at least I called my insurance agent to report l the accident. I talked to one of the employee who answered the phone and told her about it, spoke with her at least 30 minutes.
On Monday march the 12 2012 I called my agent what I should do to the car instead he show up unexpectedly to my office. I am so busy at that moment and still in shock for the accident even though I know my daughter is safe and sound still can't get it out of my head if what if? And I trusted him when he let me sign the paper without even reading it.
Now I have a claim and my claim denied. The adjustor told me my daughter was excluded to my policy on march the 9 at 1201 am I was shock can't believe it how cruel my agent did to me ,and what reason i exclude my daughter to my policy she" s a full time student and i know she" s driving back home for spring break ( march 9 2012) the accident happened at 12:30 pm and the exclusion letters is march 9 at 1201am
I need anybody opinion is this one of the insurance scam now or they think woman are stupid
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Sarasota, FL says:
July 24, 2012
Insurance Complaint against: Assurant
Coverage Type: Homeowners Insurance
- PolicyHolder Service - Incompetent Employees
- Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
- Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer
On April 9th, 2012 I had a house fire and upon reporting my loss I received a letter from the insurance company and I call their Rep Padro Del Canal and asked him about the coverage because I could match all lines except the bottom line which stated HOG-Ordinance or Law - P and I was told you do not need to worry about that. I later found out it is to cover for upgrades to bring the house up to hurrican standards. I hired a public adjuster who informed me what that coverage was for. When the first offer came in the adjusted Chad Pendry, did not have anything on the repair cost about upgrading the house for hurrican protection and the contractor working with my public adjuster Kennedy Esteban was trying to get him to include all then necessares to get the house repaired correctly. Then the county condemed the house, so now it has to be torn down. They are now stating that they only have to pay without including the upgrades. Also I was told to fined a place to live where a month to mont lease could be signed I did that, and each month the rent check has been late and as to date this month I have not recived a rent check at all. It has been very hard for me to deal with everything and the insuracne company is making everythin...
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Ogden, UT says:
July 23, 2012
Insurance Complaint against: GEICO
Coverage Type: Homeowners Insurance
- Underwriting - Forced Placement
- Underwriting - Unfair Surcharge
- PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
- PolicyHolder Service - Incompetent Employees
- PolicyHolder Service - Delays/No Response
- PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Reimbursement
- PolicyHolder Service - Unfair Negotiation
- Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer
- Marketing & Sales - Misrepresentation
First of all a Homesite Insurance Co. claims rep. lied to me. She (Altra is her name) lied to me by telling me that the only way Hoesite Insurance Co. pays their claims is with a debit card. No other choice that is the way it is. Altra didn't tell me that each time you use this card you would be charded a $10.00 fee. This fee is not included in your settlement amount. It comes out of your pocket. After I was screwed I did some checking and the method of payment I was forced to take is not their only mode of payment. I don't know why Altra lied to me by indicating this was their only mode of payment, but she did. This company will depreciate everything so high you will never come close to replacing your damages. My home is 29 years old and they assessed everything as though everything is 29 years old. I lost 200 ft of my cerad fence. Altra assessed the whole fence as being 29 years old. well, we all know that your cedar fence will not escape part or most replacement in that many years. At least three quarters of that fence has been replaced with new material in those years. She would not hear of this and screwed me on the settlement by depreciating the fence as 29 years old. I tried to plead my case and that is when ...
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scarborough, ME says:
July 23, 2012
Insurance Complaint against: Liberty Mutual
Coverage Type: Liability Insurance
- PolicyHolder Service - Delays/No Response
- Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
Am condo unit owner with a chimney leak.Condo association president& LIBERTY MUTUAL(PEERLESS INS.)have taken any action.No claims adjuster or repairs.I attempted to expedite the process but was e-mailed by insurance co.that no further contact is to be made by claims adjuster to me. The e-mail was sent to condo president with his apparent approval since condo president by law is to handle such complaints.Condo president has not notified me that he has taken any action as of this date 7/23/2012.Chimney leak occurred June 2,2012.Condo president commenced communication with PEERLESS INS.(LIBERTY MUTUAL)AS OF 7/1/2012.The e-mail from insurance co. truncting my communications with them occurred July 18,2012.PLEASE TELL ME HOW CAN I GET CHIMMNEY REPAIRED.I AM SQUEESED BETWEEN A RELUCTANT CONDO PRESIDENT WHO HAS THE AUTHORITY TO PROCESS THYE CLAIM AND THE INSURANCE CO. WHO HAS NOT SENT A CLAIMS ADJUSTER?...
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Corpus Christi, TX says:
July 22, 2012
Insurance Complaint against: Progressive
Coverage Type: Homeowners Insurance
- Claim Handling - Unjustified Accusations
I contacted my agent about Geovera Specialty Insurance Company on 2 seperate incidents. At both times I just asked for guidance and the agent made some good recommendations there fore I did not file a claim....Come to find out both incidents both were charged as claims against me. I did not give my agent or anyone the permission to file a claim on my homeowners policy due to the fact that the damages were far less then the deductible, therefore there was no reason to file a claim. I need both of these claims removed since I just called to get advice and not FILE A CLAIM.
Manuel Garcia Jr.
Insured property
10506 Piobneer Dr
Corpus Christi, Texas...
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I have an Insurance Complaint!
August 4, 2012 at 11:35 PM