Miramar, FL says:
June 23, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: Farmers Insurance Group
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle
- PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Reimbursement
Parts in my 2009 Jeep Patriot were needed to be replaced and the Claim representative Zachariah Prell unilaterally decided and approved for new parts to be purchased and installed in the vehicle instead of a used part to correspond with the year of the vehicle. For whatever reason decision not to repair my vehicle with used (2009)parts, I should not have to pay for what he calls abatement in the amount of $191.09 that I had no choice but to pay in order to retrieve my car on 5/31/2013....
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Cherokee, IA says:
June 23, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: Progressive
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle
- PolicyHolder Service - Incompetent Employees
- Claim Handling - Rude/Abusive Adjuster
- Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
- Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer
- Claim Handling - Fraud
- General - I feel abused by this company
On May 27, 2013, a large portion of Cherokee, IA got flooded due to very heavy rainfall. My home was in one of the worst areas, as was my 1967 Mustang. Luckily, my wife and I both work overnights so two of our three vehicles were not at the house. The issues started almost immediately after calling in the claim. It took 3 days to get an 'emergency response vehicle' to the area, during which we had even more rain so I had to move the car to the local grocery store's parking lot on higher ground. When the adjuster showed up, I happened to be out of town (she gave me no warning when she was coming) so she had free reign over the claim.
The water got over half-way up the car (I was told water actually went over my car in waves, but the interior was sealed well and barely filled halfway up) and was soaking the interior for about 18 hours. The adjuster wrote me a check for $660 (1160 minus 500 ded) to 'detail' the interior and change the oil. She didn't allow for any other parts to be checked (transmission, rear end, gas, power steering, electrical, a/c, wheel bearings, brakes, etc) and as soaked as the seats were, it was bound to grow moldy and weaken the upholstery. When mechanical repairs were completed at the shop, I immediately...
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Name Witheld due to Health Care Privacy
Preble, NY says:
June 21, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
Coverage Type: Health Insurance
- Underwriting - Premium Too High
I don't know to be honest if Obamacare is a good thing. I'm sure it is for the poorest of Americans. I heard that Obamacare is supposed to reduce overall healthcare and insurance costs. What I do know is having a choice between $550 per month for decent insurance, or half that to have insurance with a $1300 deductible before it kicks in, is f-ing ridiculous to ask of a family struggling to stay afloat. I would like someone, anyone (non-partisan), to explain to me how this benefits my family. Or when a working class family will reap ANY benefits of health care reform. If you ask me, it should be illegal for employers of full-time professionals to offer such little reimbursement toward health care. Oh yeah, and Cindy's pregnant now, so we should hit that $1300 deductible RIGHT when the calendar year expires and another $1300 deductible kicks in.
Somebody please explain to me how this legal. If you can't help me to understand this, please at least extend the courtesy of replying to my email with the address of someone who can. Now...I'm off to go pick up a $110 prescription....
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Louisa, VA says:
June 20, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: Humana
Coverage Type: Disability Insurance
- PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
- PolicyHolder Service - Incompetent Employees
- PolicyHolder Service - Delays/No Response
- PolicyHolder Service - Denied Access to Services
- PolicyHolder Service - Abusive Service
- PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Reimbursement
- PolicyHolder Service - Unfair Negotiation
- Claim Handling - Fraud
- Claim Handling - Denial of Claim
- Marketing & Sales - Misleading Advertising
- General - I feel abused by this company
I had to take Humana Advantage insurance this year because they were the only company representing the Louisa area. All year they have told me that one doctor after another were out of there network. So have been having to pay the bills with no payment from Humana. Found out today that they were lying. All the doctors were in their network according to their own worker who finally took the time to investigate and use research. She said she will resubmit the new clains and the old claims that I have paid....
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minneapollis, MN says:
June 20, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: Hartford
Coverage Type: Disability Insurance
In November of 2010 I applied for disability benefits through my Hartford Disability Insurance policy that I had purchased from Hartford through US Bank (I was an employee of US Bank). After drawing these benefits for several months Hartford's policy states I must apply for social security disability benefits. I applied for ss disability benefits and started receiving them in May of 2012. Social Security sent me a one time payment of $5,500.00 and started disability payments. Prior to the disability payments I had been receiving survivor benefits from my deceased ex husband. Hartford decided that all of my survivor benefits were back pay of disability benefits and wants $16,000.00 in back pay and has NOT paid me any disability payments since May of 2012. The only money Hartford can reclaim is disability payments. I went on the ss disability payout site to see how my survivor benefits were paid out and how the one time payment was paid out. All payments from July of 2011 through April of 2013 were coded as survivor benefits NOT disability payments and even the one time %5,500 payment is coded as a one time payment NOT disability. Meanwhile I have had to cash out every asset I own to meet bills and at this point I have noth...
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Hanover, PA says:
June 19, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: State Farm Insurance
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle
back in 2000 my car was damaged by a person covered by state farm repairs were made to my brand new car i was told by the body shop and state farm rep the repairs were covered for life well paint they applied is coming off my car and now there saying it was only covered for a year move for ward this past weekend another state farm driver hit my car and the man at the body shop told me the repairs in 2000 should be covered for life...
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June 18, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: Safeway Insurance Group
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle
- PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
- PolicyHolder Service - Delays/No Response
- PolicyHolder Service - Unfair Negotiation
- Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
- Claim Handling - Fraud
- Claim Handling - Denial of Claim
- General - I feel abused by this company
my name is Denise Parker I had auto ins with Safeway ins company I was hit head on while sitting still at a red light on December 08 / 2003 to this day Safeway has not paid my claim they stall and refuse to talk to my lawyer they have done everything in there power not to pay the claim. I sued them under the uninsured motorist claim. the car that hit me injured myself and my passenger went into a stroke out of sheer fright I have reported them to the Illinois dept on Ins and thats a joke they bought there b/s papers that they doctored and sent them. it was a waste of my time they don't care I need help I paid these people up front for insurance I didn't pay no premiums I paid upfront in full for full coverage. I was sitting still at a red light when this stupid heffa came across two lanes going east hit me head on and a car sitting to my right . then they jumped from the rental car left it there jumped in a car they were following and fled the scene. to make matters worst my lawyer bailed on the case with no explanation to me I reported him to the ARDC but I don't think they will do anything to his unethical ass either im mas as hell and I need some justice there is no statue on my case it's not filed in the courts it was jus...
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Riverdale, GA says:
June 18, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: The Travelers Companies
Coverage Type: Liability Insurance
- PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
- PolicyHolder Service - Abusive Service
I have had numerous trees to fall in my area my yard home powelines during storms here, while me an daughter was picking up debri in yard from storm taking a break, breather bending down to pick up more limbs heard crack from tree before I could run away tree fell on left leg, which I iced it. didnt think much of it until it began to swell and painfull went to doctor mri done shatterd bone fragments in left knee in stabilizer as of now. will c ortho doc and c if stabilizer is working if not I have to get a cast and I work and on feet all day. My insurance say my liability did not cover me. I need answers....
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Virginia Beach, VA says:
June 18, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: Farmers Insurance Group
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle
- PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
- PolicyHolder Service - Incompetent Employees
- PolicyHolder Service - Delays/No Response
Farmers provided reasonable cost coverage for pizza delivery job when others would not. However, the customer service is terrible! It appears you can only talk to a local agent and the local agent is non responsive, does not return phone calls, e-mail and continually sends notices when a policy was cancelled. Unable to contact anyone at Farmer's Insurance to stop the notices and keep from looking like policy was canceled due to nonpayment of premiums. Stay away from Farmers if you want good customer service!...
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Gail Marie
Huntington, NY says:
June 18, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: State Farm Insurance
Coverage Type: Homeowners Insurance
- Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
- Claim Handling - Unjustified Accusations
This theft was discovered and reported not only to the Insurance Company but also the police by me in person. I filed and have complied with all requests, had a recorded statement taken and have not received calls back or verification of correspondence sent, as I requested.
Because I am in the process of a divorce I have been outright accused of filing this claim because I am in need financially.
I am not "In need financially" and have paid my premiums for years only to find a tremendous amount of difficulty now that there has been a loss.
The theft happened on January 18, 2013.
Kindly advise how to go forward.
Thank You
Gail Marie Colletta-Duval...
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I have an Insurance Complaint!
June 18, 2013 at 6:32 PM
Juanita, Your liability coverage under homeowners does not cover injury to yourself, only others who are injured while on your property. Your medical insurance should cover you though, have you filed a claim with them.