Kansas City, MO says:
January 14, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: Safe Auto Insurance Company
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle
- Claim Handling - Rude/Abusive Adjuster
- Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
This accident happened on November 12th, after I contacted SafeAuto and started this process leaving messages with Terrail to call me at work as I could not receive cell phone calls at work. It was not until Nov 21st that Terrail finally returned my call, leaving me a message on my cell phone at around 3:00pm saying it was 3:00 and he would be leaving for the day and would not return until the following Monday and I should call him then. I called Monday and left messages both Monday and Tuesday, when he did call back Wednesday to tell me what the value was for my Explorer and I tried to talk with him about it he was combative, derogatory and completely unhelpful in trying to understand that I thought the valuation was very low. I asked to be transferred to his supervisor Delores she asked me to provide some proof that substantiated my claim that the value was low. Which I did and she asked the estimator to redo the evaluation. I do not remember the day this was done some time around the second week of December I think, as I never received any actual paper work on the new value only a phone call from the estimator telling me that he was wrong in his first evaluation and had increased the value and would get that information to Terr...
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Paducah, KY says:
January 12, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: Anthem
Coverage Type: Health Insurance
- Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer
- Claim Handling - Fraud
- General - I feel abused by this company
I have previously written a complaint RE: File No. 2013MVB006. I have additional information I would like to report. On page 78 of the provider book it lists Pain Managment Center of Paducah PSC as a Provider. They have changed the name of the center. It is now called Ambulatory Surgery Center LL at the same address of 2831 Lone Oak Road, Paducah, KY 42003-8041. On page 40 of my Annual changes book it says the co-pay for each surgery is $200.00. I have paid that amount already. They have sent me a bill for another $150.00 which I don't think I should have to pay. Also Barbara Bowers, MD, PLLC is listed as a provider on page 83. I have paid my $30.00 co-pays as required when I went to the office. She has sent me a bill for 55.00 extra which I don't think I should have to pay. Dr. Bowers office manager, Amy, looked my insurance up on the internet to be sure I was covered as in-network providers and she said I was. I think the insurance company is trying to scamm me into paying more money than I really owe. Please help me on this matter....
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Pembroke Pines, FL says:
January 11, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: Auto-Owners Insurance
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle
- Underwriting - Premium Too High
- Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer
- Claim Handling - Fraud
- General - I feel abused by this company
To whom this may concern,I have disability`s!I`m disabled.I had renewed my insurance in November.I was so happy at the time because, I was going to save money.I was there and did sign a release,wavier. form for a FR 44. ARRGO INSURANCE in FT.LAUD. Florida on Oakland park Blvd.#9543572723 owner MATT.He was on the phone renewing my policy.He was on the phone with progressive. They said I did not need a fr.44 in front of me and on the phone with him.I put a down payment down..I received a letter in the mail after on or around Dece. 11th stating that the vin # was wrong and that I still needed the fr 44,I called him at my mail box and read it to him.He said, they said you did not need a fr 44 and he will look into it.Days went by and for Christmas I received a letter from the State! Licence is Suspended on December 31.I then tried calling him for a week or more and no answer.I went there in person and they lied to me again in front of my face.They found another quote which they lied to me again.I have been on the phone with Tallahassee for days.What had happen was that they looked at my arrest date not my conviction date.I also found out that 4 months ago the LAW changed.He should of known that!!I have suffered mentally and financiall...
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Wapakoneta, OH says:
January 10, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: Humana
Coverage Type: Health Insurance
- PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
I'm taking care of my significant other with the drug plan with Humana. The Dr. faxed 2 presoription on Dec. 18 they were recorded on the 19th in there system, I have not received them yet I have had 3 phone calls (all 45 min to 1 hr.)with them and they assured me I would get them overnight at there cost, still nothing. There web sight says they were processed on Dec. 31. If I could change drug companys now I would do it in a heart beat. Next year it will be changed, I turn 65 this year and my ins. company will not be Humana. My guess is they are waiting till this year to start the billing for the drugs trying to make sure we fall into the donut hole....
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pensacola, FL says:
January 09, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: General Direct Insurance
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle
- PolicyHolder Service - Denied Access to Services
- Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
I have insurance with Diredt Insurance co. 1281 Murfreesboro Pike Nashville, Tx 37217-2423 Police Number 09FLAD399660157, i have full coverage my car has been in need of repair since Dec. 27 2012 i am having problem getting repairs done, i call the whole Christmas Holidays No returns phones call. i took in upon my self to contact the office concerning the problem i was told to contact Joe Lander who was very rule me, was handling my paper work he referral me to susan @8004031077 #6077 she us rule because i left several messages for some one to conctact me because i wasn't getting a good understanding about my repairs. i had a different claim on the same car at different times i'm concern about the rear repair on my 2007 Jetta which i have insurance with Direct Co. the other repair was taken care by another company. I only want to know why it's taking so long to get the car repair and i fell that im not being treated fairley i have 2 estimate from the company i want to get my car repair and not ride around in a beat up car an i pay my insurance.i was told that thay don't know when the repairs will get done.i can give more detail about the verable. i have LIAB,MP,CM,TR,CL,PIP,UM.AD....
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ST. PETERS, MO says:
January 09, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: Anthem
Coverage Type: Health Insurance
- Underwriting - Premium Too High
- Underwriting - Cancellation
- Underwriting - Nonreneweal
We have been insured with Anthem for over 15 years, we have a small business husband and 2 sons. My sons cancelled thier Insurance effective 10/1/12 (they didnt care for this insurance) but I made my premium in which they charge $1430.91 per month just for my husband and myself. I made my payments and they cancelled my Insurance because I didnt pay my sons Insurance even though they were not being Insured. Anthem said I had to pay for them and they would give me a refund later. Why would I pay for Insurance on someone not being covered. For the amount of money we pay for per month they pay nothing. My husband had colonoscopy couple of years ago and had stints checked they payed nothing because they dont cover prevetative. This Insurance is absolutely horrible. All the money I have paid this Insurance company and this is how they are able to treat people....
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January 09, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: MetLife
Coverage Type: Life Insurance
- PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Reimbursement
- Marketing & Sales - Misleading Advertising
- Marketing & Sales - Misrepresentation
- General - I feel abused by this company
I've been insured by Met Life for over 30 years. When I first purchased the policy I was led to believe that it was a 20 payment life policy. I didn't learn until much later that the policy is a full life policy. I was sold on this policy because so many promises were made that I should of realized that it was too good to be true. When I originally bought the policy the monthly premiums were 46.00 and now I'm a senior citizen on a fixed income and the premiums have grown to $162.00 month. The salesman told me when I purchased the insurance that unlike other policies, as I grow older the premiums would decease each month instead of increasing like other insurance companies. I did report their false promises to the NYS life insurance agency and was awarded 2500.00 but when they sent the money to Met instead of forwarding the award to me they put it in an accumulation fund. I called and told them that the award was their punishment for false advertising and that I wanted it forwarded to me. They did send me the award but they also reduced the face value of my policy. Instead of having a $50,000 policy, I now have a policy of 47500....
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Wilton, CT says:
January 09, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: Humana
Coverage Type: Health Insurance
- PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
- PolicyHolder Service - Incompetent Employees
- PolicyHolder Service - Delays/No Response
I call Humana to find the cost of a drug and also to compare their cost for alternative drugs to treat my "problem:. My doctor hasrecomended that I may use the drug which is cheapest.
My expereince with Humana is that they never give a consistent response so I call multiple times to make sure that the response is onsistent. That way I could be sure that the price quoted is correct
Each time I call, I get a different price ranging from $999 to $371 per year for one drug i asked about. Thei telephone representatives are not consistent. Therefore.I am at loss of how to make a decison...
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westerly, RI says:
January 08, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: Progressive
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle
- PolicyHolder Service - Incompetent Employees
- PolicyHolder Service - Delays/No Response
- PolicyHolder Service - Denied Access to Services
- PolicyHolder Service - Abusive Service
- PolicyHolder Service - Unfair Negotiation
- Claim Handling - Rude/Abusive Adjuster
- Claim Handling - Denial of Claim
- Claim Handling - Unjustified Accusations
- Marketing & Sales - High Pressure Tactics
- General - I feel abused by this company
emotionally abused,2cd wk. now,looseing sleep,depressed,not to mention,progressive refused to look at my cars damage,and said i was 100% at fault,probly because i only have liability on my 1998 bmw,other punk hit me and said i hit him cheek to cheek drivers side of car corner,hood fender headlightsand lots of hidden damage probly totaled,and truck drivers frontcorner dent on bumper.only.oh thats rite he's got wife only other witness. i begged these blood suckers to only look at my car,to show some truth as to help prove, what had happened. my agent even said theyre suppose to look and take pictures.but no they never did.and railroaded me. PIECES of work all of them.Snotty bastards. have all the facts both cars essentrail to straight at scene I was at a stop on my side of road when he road up on us. boaght car cheap 3900.put over 6000. in new parts before accident have all the iam forced to fix myself,so so very mad and disapointed.will be dropping the jerks at end of policy feb. anyone willing to help willing to help prove my case be willing to give half all money recovered,,at progressives cost,and other driver envoled. HAPPY NEW YEARS P.s. Hate lyers and thiefs Have police reports and ...
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Fremont, CA says:
January 08, 2013
Insurance Complaint against: Aetna
Coverage Type: Health Insurance
- PolicyHolder Service - Incompetent Employees
- PolicyHolder Service - Delays/No Response
I had a bad 2011....
I totalled my vehicle and later that year was hospitalized for an autoimmune condition that rendered me a quadriplegic. These were COMPLETELY UNRELATED INCIDENTS.
Somehow Aetna attached my medical claim to the car accident. On the day after the accident I had a physical and was pronounced healthy and good to go. This one visit should have cost me $48.00
Fast forward 5 months. On Labor day weekend, I rapidly become weak and then am paralyzed from the neck down (I can still breathe and am not incontinent). It takes several months to recover. In the meantime, I am receiving bills from my medical providers for the parts not covered by insurance. I pay each as I get it. Fast forward to December 2012... I get a letter from Rawlings, who I later find out is a collection agent hired by Aetna to get $5660.00 from me or AAA. At the same time I receive a check from AAA for $5000.00. This is wierd, I take a close look at the paperwork and see what has happened. Aetna screwed up and applied the illnes claims to the auto accident claims.
2 phone calls later, one to Rawlings and one to AAA and everyone is on the same page. I void the AAA check and Rawlings says to do that and they will send me a letter ...
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I have an Insurance Complaint!
July 23, 2013 at 3:14 PM
Same thing with the Adult Friend Finder with exception that you get lots of coatcnts from either Ghana or Nigeria and a few from the US. I did however get one contact in my area that turned out to be a fizzer & she seemed to be be a bit paranoid. So that was the end of that one! When my 1yr Gold membership expired, I suddenly got lots of local coatcnts & none from Africa, funny that! They must think I'm stupid to fall for that one & pay again! Consequently, I didn't get my rocks off once! (