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Andrea's complaint:
January 14, 2013

Insurance Company: Mutual of Omaha
Coverage Type: Life Insurance

  • Claim Handling - Fraud
  • General - I feel abused by this company

I had taken out $100,000 life insurance policy with General Mills Inc which the ownership of that corporation changed to Darden Restaurants. The life insurance was paid in full by myslf in 1995. Presently, I have been contacting Darden Restaurants and keep getting the typical verbal run around. I have requested numerous times to have my records mailed to me and it has not been done. Two different individuals made different statements One stated that my policy ended when my employment ended which is absolutely not true because the life insurance was an elected policy to take on and had nothing to do with employment. The purpose of the life insurance were for my three children. that being anthony, Thomas and Ashley if something had happened to me. It will not be shared with their cousins like the reasoning by the individuals whom have fraudualently made changes. Currently I am taking action and making complaints with the Attorney General's Office of each state where the wrong doing has been done. The insurance was taken out with Sygma and the holding monetary party was metro of Omaha I believe.

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