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Nancy's complaint:
January 17, 2013

Insurance Company:
Coverage Type: Health Insurance

  • General - I feel abused by this company

I am P.O.A. for my elderly mother. Two months before my mom came to live with me and my husband, a Sales Rep. from A.S.S.I. (American Senior Services, Inc.) came to my mother's door and introduced himself. Although she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's 2 months prior to the visit, she allowed the man to enter her home. He told me, after I called him at the end of the day, when I went back to Mom's, that he was aware that she already had an insurance policy for "long term care", which he, too, was selling. He told me she definitely needed more help. She gave him a check for $125 and that gave him the information he needed to debit her account on a monthly basis. I was in touch with the salesman for six months when he told me that it's out of his hands now, that I needed to contact the office for an "aid" for my mom. Two more months went by with a debit of $125/mth., and they were unable to provide my mother with an aid. By this time, my mother was now living with my husband and me. The principal of the company told me he would be happy to reimburse the full amount that had been debited, but I needed to write a letter to them asking for cancellation. I WAS DENIED! Meanwhile, this is elderly abuse knowing the person needed additional help, and having her sign a piece of paper allowing these debits.


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Insurance Complaint.com says:
January 17, 2013 at 9:59 AM

Nancy, We just added American Senior Services, Inc. to our list.

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