July 26, 2012
Insurance Company: Allstate
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle
- PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
July 16 2012 i recevied a call tell me that a claim had been open reguarding the accident i was involved in on July 6. The only problem with this is myself nor my auto was in a accident. However beccause info provied i.e. policy #, givin to Allstate by the person that was rearended, a claim was opened pryor to obtaining a police report. The Police report contained the following, auto collor blk MY IS RED, the vin# number DIDNOT MATCH MY AUTO,the tag# DOES NOT MATCH MY AUTO.MY name nor anything else about this accident has anything to do with ME. I have takin the time to prove to the locale agent that myself nor my vehical were involved in any auto accident. However i received a letter on July 25 that a claim was open and one or more Allstate employee may contact me reguarding this claim. I HAVE NOT HAD A ACCIDENT NOR HAS MY VEHICAL BEEN INVOLED. WHAT I JUST THE GUY PAYINNG. BAD BAD BUSINESS PROCEDURES.
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