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MaryLee from Riverton, UT says:
June 12, 2022

Insurance Complaint against: Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle

  • PolicyHolder Service - Unfair Negotiation
  • Claim Handling - Rude/Abusive Adjuster
  • Claim Handling - Denial of Claim
  • Claim Handling - Unjustified Accusations
A Nationwide policy holder rear ended me and then he lied to the police and made a false claim with Nationwide to try to shift the blame on me. Traffic was slowing down on the freeway due to being in rush hour traffic. I was braking for a long time before I saw traffic slowing down. I realized I was still going too fast, so I then slammed on my brakes narrowly missing a stopped car in front of me. Nationwide's policy holder claims that when he saw me braking, he changed lanes and then he claims I swerved into his lane causing the accident. The truth is he was following too close and wasn't paying attention that traffic was slowing down. He saw me at the last second and swerved trying to miss me, but he was going too fast, so he hit me. I never changed lanes. In so many ways it's obvious that it was Nationwide's policy holder's fault, but they refuse to look at it. They refuse to take responsibility. They want to see it their way and refuse to look at the facts objectively. The police officer that did the police report agreed with me that I gave the true story, but Nationwide is refusing to accept the police report. They twisted the statement on the police report by claiming that the police officer didn't agree with me. They will d... Read More

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Bogiravqp says:
June 25, 2022 at 12:20 AM

[b]Здравствуйте! [url=https://uruslugy.cloud/sim-karty-i-tarify.html]Компания ПРОСТО ЮРИСТ[/url] предлагает,[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/sim-karty-i-tarify.html симкарты с выгодными тарифами, безлимитным интернетом, можно оформить на наши данные , есть анонимные симкаты. Есть возможность подключить выгодные тарифы на ваши симкарты. [/url] [url=https://uruslugy.cloud/buhgalteriya.html]Компания ПРОСТО ЮРИСТ[/url] предлагает, [url=https://uruslugy.cloud/buhgalteriya.html]Бухгалтерское сопровождение[/url] |[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/ready/gotovyie-ooo.html]Компания ПРОСТО ЮРИСТ[/url] предлагает,[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/ready/gotovyie-ooo.html] Продажа фирм готовое ООО с расчетным счетом в Москве и области[/url] |[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/registratsiya-izmeneniy/smena-uchrediteley.html]Компания ПРОСТО ЮРИСТ[/url] предлагает,[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/registratsiya-izmeneniy/smena-uchrediteley.html] Смена учредителя ООО в Москве[/url] |[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/registratsiya-firm/registratsiya-ip.html]Компания ПРОСТО ЮРИСТ[/url] предлагает,[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/registratsiya-firm/registratsiya-ip.html] Регистрация Индивидуального предпринимателя (ИП), открытие ИП, документы, готовые ИП Москва.Регистрация Индивидуального предпринимателя[/url] |[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/buhgalteriya/vedenie-uchyota.html]Компания ПРОСТО ЮРИСТ[/url] предлагает,[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/buhgalteriya/vedenie-uchyota.html]Ведение бухгалтерского учета, бухгалтерский аутсорсинг, сдача отчётности в Москве.[/url] |[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/buhgalteriya/vosstanovlenie-uchyota.html]Компания ПРОСТО ЮРИСТ[/url] предлагает,[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/buhgalteriya/vosstanovlenie-uchyota.html]Восстановление бухгалтерского и налогового учета организации[/url] |[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/buhgalteriya/vyipiska-iz-egryul.html]Компания ПРОСТО ЮРИСТ[/url] предлагает,[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/buhgalteriya/vyipiska-iz-egryul.html]Выписка из ЕГРЮЛ, сроки получения[/url] |[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/articles.html]Компания ПРОСТО ЮРИСТ[/url] предлагает,[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/articles.html/]Журнал ПРОСТО ЮРИСТ, статьи о бухгалтерии [/url] [url=https://uruslugy.cloud/sim-karty-i-tarify.html]Компания ПРОСТО ЮРИСТ[/url] предлагает,[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/sim-karty-i-tarify.html симкарты с выгодными тарифами, безлимитным интернетом, можно оформить на наши данные , есть анонимные симкаты. Есть возможность подключить выгодные тарифы на ваши симкарты. [/url] В дополнение на сайте https://uruslugy.cloud вы можете найти: ведение бухгалтерии ип бухгалтерское сопровождение ип ведение бухгалтерского учета бухгалтерское сопровождение ооо бухгалтерское обслуживание ооо постановка бухгалтерского учета услуги бухгалтерского учета бухгалтерская отчетность услуги бухгалтерское обслуживание цены бухгалтерские услуги в москве бухгалтерское сопровождение бухгалтерское обслуживание ип оказание бухгалтерских услуг ведение бухучета ип аудиторские услуги в москве бухгалтерское обслуживание фирм ведение бухгалтерского учета ип курсы бухгалтеров ведение бухучета организации аудиторские услуги ведение бух учета ведение кадрового учета бухгалтерские услуги ип бухгалтерские услуги консалтинг ведение бухгалтерии ооо ведение бухучета ооо аутсорсинг бухгалтерских услуг бух услуги бухучет и аудит бухгалтерское сопровождение усн бухгалтерские фирмы подготовка и сдача отчетности центр бухгалтерских услуг бухгалтерские услуги ведение бухучета москва ведение бухгалтерии план счетов бух учета бухгалтерское обслуживание усн бухгалтерский аудит ведение бухучета ведение бухгалтерии москва консалтинговые услуги бухгалтерские услуги прайс бухгалтер аутсорсинг ит услуг ведение бухгалтерии компании бухгалтерские проводки ведение бухгалтерии услуги кадровый аутсорсинг цены на аудиторские услуги бухгалтерское обслуживание бухгалтерский аутсорсинг бухгалтерские услуги цены услуги бухгалтерской фирмы аутсорсинг бухгалтерии ведение бухгалтерии организации ведение бухучета в ооо бухгалтерские услуги москва аудит и бухгалтерские услуги готовые ооо с директором открытие ооо зарегистрировать ооо как зарегистрировать ооо открыть ооо готовые фирмы москва бухгалтерские услуги аутсорсинг как открыть ооо создать ооо бухгалтерские услуги аудит [/b]

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Name Witheld due to Health Care Privacy from Tempe, AZ says:
April 15, 2022

Insurance Complaint against: Conseco
Coverage Type: Health Insurance

  • General - I feel abused by this company
Yes it's actually access insurance just using fraud by wireless transmissions and front services located in Phoenix Arizona I work as a grip and using ENG and Sony to prove wireless communications my day rate is $100 a day that involves teleprompers ENG and cameras and equipment I work on a lot of remote shoots involving networks as in TNT CBS and ESPN and work on a lot of live events again trying to report access insurance using fraud this is also gone to criminal fraud very proving and unnormal or abnormal or misconduct of law enforcement or neurology or States neurologist have a complaint served to CPS of Arizona for $10,000 and have a complaint serve to access insurance for $150,000 for the use of fraud and criminal fraud... Read More

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lindsaymb60 says:
April 27, 2022 at 2:27 AM

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Terry-Jane from Cheshire, MA says:
April 08, 2022

Insurance Complaint against: Liberty Mutual
Coverage Type: Homeowners Insurance

  • Underwriting - Premium Too High
  • PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
  • PolicyHolder Service - Incompetent Employees
  • PolicyHolder Service - Denied Access to Services
  • PolicyHolder Service - Unfair Negotiation
  • Claim Handling - Rude/Abusive Adjuster
  • Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer
  • Claim Handling - Fraud
  • Claim Handling - Denial of Claim
  • Marketing & Sales - Misleading Advertising
  • General - I feel abused by this company
a. Name of Insurance Company: LIBERTY MUTUAL b. Name of Insurance Agency: LIBERTY MUTUAL c. Name of Agent, Adjuster, Appraiser: First Name: SARAH Last Name: AMOS Have you litigated your claim?: No If you answered "Yes" what was the court's decision?: Policy Number: H3725805359570 Certificate Number: Claim Number: 048914046-01 Date of Loss/Service: 03/18/2022 Date of Purchase: 04/02/2012 Date Of Cancellation: Insured Age Group: 65+ Amount in Dispute: 22500 Type of Insurance: Home Reason For Complaint: Other Details Of Complaint: Water damage from bathroom sink while we were out of town. Neighbor checking on property discovered it. We immediately called Serve pro and liberty mutual. Water ran under all the hardwood floors. Liberty mutual denied claim because tit was surmised the water leak started more than 14 days prior to discovery. We told them we were away so that is the excuse used to deny. Had we not mentioned being away that reason could not exist. We are allowed to take vacations and business trips and still have coverage when not physically in the home. This home is owned by myself (Terry Baumann) my husband (George) and my mother (Natalie Martelle).This is Natalie's primary residence. Natalie is almost 90... Read More

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MichaelCiz says:
April 13, 2022 at 8:08 AM

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Anna from Santa Rosa, CA says:
January 14, 2022

Insurance Complaint against: Safeco
Coverage Type: Homeowners Insurance

  • Underwriting - Cancellation
  • Underwriting - Nonreneweal
  • PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
  • PolicyHolder Service - Incompetent Employees
  • PolicyHolder Service - Delays/No Response
  • PolicyHolder Service - Payment Not Credited
  • PolicyHolder Service - Denied Access to Services
  • PolicyHolder Service - Abusive Service
  • PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Reimbursement
  • PolicyHolder Service - Unfair Negotiation
  • Claim Handling - Rude/Abusive Adjuster
  • Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
  • Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer
  • Claim Handling - Fraud
  • General - I feel abused by this company
Very belittling tactics. Even though insurance had a buddy come & rip out everything down to the frame of my house. Had a small fire in back room. Entirely unnecessary. Then didn't pay for the Cost to repair. Since paid out behind by back most of the money. I'm still paying for home equity loan of $50,000. Since the drag it out over years. Past the time window to file claim against them. Terrible since they have the money to take care of the problem. Still paying... Read More

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mavisdj69 says:
January 16, 2022 at 8:33 PM

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6 more

Waldo from Wyoming, AZ says:
March 24, 2021

Insurance Complaint against: American Senior Services, Inc.
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle

  • PolicyHolder Service - Denied Access to Services
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Bogiraaja says:
June 21, 2021 at 2:52 AM

[b]Приветствуем Вас! [url=https://uruslugy.cloud/buhgalteriya.html]Компания ПРОСТО ЮРИСТ[/url] предлагает, [url=https://uruslugy.cloud/buhgalteriya.html]Бухгалтерское сопровождение[/url] |[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/ready/gotovyie-ooo.html]Компания ПРОСТО ЮРИСТ[/url] предлагает,[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/ready/gotovyie-ooo.html] Продажа фирм готовое ООО с расчетным счетом в Москве и области[/url] |[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/registratsiya-izmeneniy/smena-uchrediteley.html]Компания ПРОСТО ЮРИСТ[/url] предлагает,[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/registratsiya-izmeneniy/smena-uchrediteley.html] Смена учредителя ООО в Москве[/url] |[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/registratsiya-firm/registratsiya-ip.html]Компания ПРОСТО ЮРИСТ[/url] предлагает,[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/registratsiya-firm/registratsiya-ip.html] Регистрация Индивидуального предпринимателя (ИП), открытие ИП, документы, готовые ИП Москва.Регистрация Индивидуального предпринимателя[/url] |[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/buhgalteriya/vedenie-uchyota.html]Компания ПРОСТО ЮРИСТ[/url] предлагает,[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/buhgalteriya/vedenie-uchyota.html]Ведение бухгалтерского учета, бухгалтерский аутсорсинг, сдача отчётности в Москве.[/url] |[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/buhgalteriya/vosstanovlenie-uchyota.html]Компания ПРОСТО ЮРИСТ[/url] предлагает,[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/buhgalteriya/vosstanovlenie-uchyota.html]Восстановление бухгалтерского и налогового учета организации[/url] |[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/buhgalteriya/vyipiska-iz-egryul.html]Компания ПРОСТО ЮРИСТ[/url] предлагает,[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/buhgalteriya/vyipiska-iz-egryul.html]Выписка из ЕГРЮЛ, сроки получения[/url] |[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/articles.html]Компания ПРОСТО ЮРИСТ[/url] предлагает,[url=https://uruslugy.cloud/articles.html/]Журнал ПРОСТО ЮРИСТ, статьи о бухгалтерии [/url] В дополнение на сайте вы можете найти: ведение бухгалтерии ип бухгалтерское сопровождение ип ведение бухгалтерского учета бухгалтерское сопровождение ооо бухгалтерское обслуживание ооо постановка бухгалтерского учета услуги бухгалтерского учета бухгалтерская отчетность услуги бухгалтерское обслуживание цены бухгалтерские услуги в москве бухгалтерское сопровождение бухгалтерское обслуживание ип оказание бухгалтерских услуг ведение бухучета ип аудиторские услуги в москве бухгалтерское обслуживание фирм ведение бухгалтерского учета ип курсы бухгалтеров ведение бухучета организации аудиторские услуги ведение бух учета ведение кадрового учета бухгалтерские услуги ип бухгалтерские услуги консалтинг ведение бухгалтерии ооо ведение бухучета ооо аутсорсинг бухгалтерских услуг бух услуги бухучет и аудит бухгалтерское сопровождение усн бухгалтерские фирмы подготовка и сдача отчетности центр бухгалтерских услуг бухгалтерские услуги ведение бухучета москва ведение бухгалтерии план счетов бух учета бухгалтерское обслуживание усн бухгалтерский аудит ведение бухучета ведение бухгалтерии москва консалтинговые услуги бухгалтерские услуги прайс бухгалтер аутсорсинг ит услуг ведение бухгалтерии компании бухгалтерские проводки ведение бухгалтерии услуги кадровый аутсорсинг цены на аудиторские услуги бухгалтерское обслуживание бухгалтерский аутсорсинг бухгалтерские услуги цены услуги бухгалтерской фирмы аутсорсинг бухгалтерии ведение бухгалтерии организации ведение бухучета в ооо бухгалтерские услуги москва аудит и бухгалтерские услуги готовые ооо с директором открытие ооо зарегистрировать ооо как зарегистрировать ооо открыть ооо готовые фирмы москва бухгалтерские услуги аутсорсинг как открыть ооо создать ооо бухгалтерские услуги аудит [/b]

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Melanie from Silt, CO says:
December 01, 2020

Insurance Complaint against: American Fidelity Assurance
Coverage Type: Disability Insurance

  • PolicyHolder Service - Incompetent Employees
  • PolicyHolder Service - Abusive Service
  • PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Reimbursement
  • Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer
  • Marketing & Sales - Misleading Advertising
  • Marketing & Sales - Misrepresentation
I have been paying for a disability insurance policy with this company for 30 years. I was diagnosed with PTSD and I made my claim. The first month I received 2800 dollars. The second month I received 1700 dollars. And I was informed YESTERDAY that this month I would be receiving ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-FOUR dollars today, December 1st. This decision was made on 11/17, however I was not notified until yesterday when it was too late to stop my upcoming bank activity and, before the sun came up today, I was almost 1000 overdrawn. I am on disability because of a PTSD diagnosis. I am currently unable to get the very important medication I need and I am going through drug withdrawal. I am not under a dr's care. I am physically sick, and I am seeing withdrawal symptoms that I've never seen before. PTSD is an extremely dangerous illness and I AM TERRIFIED. I don't know what my mind will do without this medication. I have spoken with the company 4 times in less than 24 hours. While speaking with Teresa Parrish, she suggested that I contact my Dr and see if anything can be done. She said this after spending the past few minutes NOT listening to me tell her that I recently moved across the country and I have no support system here yet.... Read More

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Bogiraqrg says:
March 2, 2021 at 5:57 PM

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Flavio Jose from Katy, TX says:
November 06, 2020

Insurance Complaint against: Safeco
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle

  • PolicyHolder Service - Delays/No Response
  • PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Reimbursement
  • General - I feel abused by this company
Over the last 2 months I had cancelled the insurance with Safeco for my motorcycle. They've informed that I would've be reimbursed once I confirmed the insurance cancellation. I've done everything right and Safeco keeps saying they will send me the reimbursement check by mail, which I never got. Everytime Safeco says they will send a new check and it just never happens. I've given them the solution - why they don't simply make a wire or bank deposit? Safeco have refused to do that. I completly lost any trust on this insurance company and I will make sure to let other knows about it. Be careful, they may do the same to you. I just want to get my reimbursement check of more the $400 dollars. All the excuses are beyond ridiculous.... Read More

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igi 3 says:
November 12, 2020 at 12:11 PM

Seeking forward to reading much more by you down the road!…

1 more

Ricky from Chicago, IL says:
November 09, 2019

Insurance Complaint against: Progressive
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle

  • Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer
On a November 6 2019 I was passing a stop sign on 51st Winchester and a man on a bicycle comes out of nowhere from a alley speeding without stopping i even quickly moved to the other land to keep from hitting him and he still hit my car in the passenger side and center my door and side panel. I called progressive and they quickly placed my car in the shop and got me a rental. At the accident scene the driver of the bike said he was fine. He did not try to stop the bike at all. When I talked to the claims guy named Ryan he said according to Illinois law you have to yield to a bike rider or pedestrian. I did yield he came out of no where and didn t stop so because he is a pedestrian even though he damaged my car progressive is gonna pay for him to get a new bike and any medical bills he may have he says his shoulder hurts. So they are making me pay the $500 deductible and faulting me even though it shows he hit me from the passenger side and damaged my stuff and they didn't give me a option to contest it. It's not fair for a person on a bike to hit me without stopping damage my car and im paying for everything. my name is Ricky Foster... Read More

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DorisWenna says:
January 1, 2020 at 10:47 AM

Hi insurancecomplaint.com Write only if you are serious! Jess. Age 26. My new photos and sexy videos here [b][url=http://bit.ly/2ZO8bnK]>>>Click!

42 more

Christopher from Lynch Station, VA says:
July 26, 2019

Insurance Complaint against: GEICO
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle

  • Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
  • Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer
  • Claim Handling - Fraud
So the title says car insurance scam.. I couldn't think of a better way to explain. SO Let me go into detail. On May 3rd 2019 I was involved in a head on collision with a moron talking on his phone. He drove into my lane and almost killed me. Long story short, he was charged his garbage, incompetent insurance company had to take blame. They have done so. 3 long, painful months later, after 100s of hours of their stupidity (losing paper work, losing my car, requesting billing from hospitals that don't exist, losing the rental agreement etc.) I could go on forever about their stupidity. I am setting a scene. This moron adjuster finally settles in the amount of $7,101.40 My medical bills were ADJUSTED from around $5,000 to about $1,700 because of the self pay option in my state. This moron sent them, out of the settlement the entire $5,000 instead of the adjusted amount. I called the medical billing company and they said that the overpaid amount will be credited to the account. I asked the billing company where the credited left over funds would go, she said most likely back to the insurance company. OF course I was not told this by the adjuster. MY QUESTION! and my Suspicion is, the adjuster is trying to find a way to say they "pai... Read More

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Padly says:
January 28, 2020 at 5:04 PM


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Gina from Malta, NY says:
July 02, 2019

Insurance Complaint against: Cigna
Coverage Type: Disability Insurance

  • Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
  • Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer
  • Claim Handling - Fraud
I purchased Long Term Disability Insurance with CIGNA (LINA) for about 25 years prior to making a claim. The insurance was offered through my employer State Farm. CIGNA covered 2 years of my disability (after the 6 month wait), however now they are performing a two year review for any occupation. An IME (Independent Medical Exam) has been scheduled by CIGNA for me, even though Social Security approved my claim on the first review. My medical records/history is very extensive, covering multiple surgeries and procedures in an attempt to try and make my conditions manageable; however they just keep getting worse. The pain is excruciating, it affects my sleeping, moods, mobility, relationships, everything in my life. It started out with Endometriosis in my mid early to mid-twenties, which ended up in a total Hysterectomy. The Endometriosis developed into Fibromyalgia, which then also was complicated my Diffuse Small Fiber Neuropathy (diagnosed as a result of a Skin Punch Biopsy). This affects my bladder, causing incontinence which is unable to be helped by Rx medications as I am beyond that point. I can wear heavy adult protection, with a heavy pad, all meant for adults with Incontinence, but when stressed it has gone through al... Read More

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