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james's complaint:
May 26, 2015

Insurance Company: Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company
Coverage Type: Homeowners Insurance

  • Underwriting - Premium Too High
  • Underwriting - Unfair Surcharge
  • PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
  • PolicyHolder Service - Delays/No Response
  • PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Reimbursement
  • PolicyHolder Service - Unfair Negotiation
  • Claim Handling - Fraud
  • Marketing & Sales - Misrepresentation
  • General - I feel abused by this company

started with government wanting take our home nationwide, cancel our policy with out riten notace, they set up a new policy with out conforace in on any of the calls, government paid first year, we never given policy, we had clame movers stoll some our stuff, movers was are fired, nationwide filed two clames on us for this on two different dates, this inshrace fauld as we did not call in the clame on date made, they raise our decutable I removed 9000 in libity and they raise our inshace 20.00 a mouth, we cant get no other inchace company to inshure us, do to the face there is two clames, I try swice agents they wont let us, they refuse to pay us for stuff stolen at other home we not move it fast enouf, so this how they file the 2ed clame water damage and then stuff stolen, was nothing about the clame or how how things was handle was even leagle,
I have adhd they know this they know I disable and they used this agest us, was not first time they filed faudegle clame on us, they broke there owne policys, I try report them to there clames agavest nothing was done, got wounder why, if clames can be proven fraudlet people go to jail, 5 week nothing been done, nationwides also over vaule the home by over 50k 25k in extural struckuers we don't have, over 25k in home we try get new agent come down revalue the home at naton wide gone no where, in other words seams like all these agents covering each others butts, I like know how we take leagle action agest them and file fauld charges on agent who open the fake clames so if any laywers sees this get in contack with me, because we disable gives them no right to take actions with out us, to file faluse clames

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