February 17, 2015
Insurance Company: State Farm Insurance
Coverage Type: Homeowners Insurance
- Underwriting - Cancellation
- PolicyHolder Service - Delays/No Response
- General - I feel abused by this company
I filed a claim for tornado damage on 02/10/13 and on the night of 01/21/2014 my home burned to the ground I was displaced. I've had my home rebuilt and moved back into it on 12/06/14 it took so long to rebuild because I had a death in my family one month after I lost my home my oldest son died and it took me a while to get back to finding a contractor. A week or so after moving back home I got a letter from State Farm telling me that they were dropping me because I flied the two claims. Was I not suppose to use the insurance to make repairs caused my nature and a fire that would have killed me and my dog had I not heard the smoke detectors go off around 10:30pm that night. I got out with my life and my dog in 17 degree weather with no shoes or coat only my sleeping cloths. My neighbor gave me the coat and house shoes she had on. I was told by another State Farm agent that got my contact information off line when I was looking for another insurance company to insure my home to contact my local agent. He could possibly help me keep my coverage. I contacted him he said he would check into it and get back to me, that's been two weeks ago so I just called his office again today and was told he is in a meeting and they would tell him I called. You pay all these years to have insurance but you just can't use it
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