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Michelle's complaint:
March 08, 2012

Insurance Company: MetLife
Coverage Type: Health Insurance

  • General - I feel abused by this company

I have been sick (on-going) for the past couple of years and have submitted 2 claims that has been a hassle the entire time with the company. My first claim was due to surgery and I had to submit all this paperwork while almost dying, which caused several issues with my paycheck. The second claim was the same thing: I was in a bad situation health-wise and no matter what my claim gets denied. I am not faking an illness and found out I have 2 masses on my kidneys, so I do not need this nonsense with a company that knows my medical history denying my claims. I have worked too hard to get to where I am for the denial to cause me to lose my job.

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Carol says:
May 17, 2012 at 9:54 PM

Michelle so sorry your health is failing you. I think you should get a good attorney and fight metlife. You are going to need medical attention for quite some time until you beat this disease.

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