July 04, 2012
Insurance Company: PET - 24PetWatch
Coverage Type: Pet Insurance
- PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Reimbursement
- Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
- Claim Handling - Denial of Claim
I know this might be insignificant to some that i am irritated about pet insurance. But, shouldn't some one oversee this huge industry? I have paid premiums for7 months and submitted three claims all with the necessary paperwork. The shelter where I adopted my cat from treated my cat for diarrhea and didn't note any diagnosis. This insurance company asked for additional notes or statements from a vet/hospital that I took my cat to. The rep from the insurance company said I made a statement to the vet that I believed that my cat had symptoms since I adopted him. I asked the rep " Is this denial due to my supposed statement? the reply was yes! An insurance company can deny a claim because of heresay or a statement made by someone other than a doctor? In fact both letters of denial I received were in reference to a possible condition of ear mites which were not present but I was give medicine for just in case the test was not conclusive. I did not give this to the cat because I wanted to treat one condition first, the diarrhea. It just seems that they were going to deny this claim no matter what. I am feeling this pet insurance is a scam! Please is there any recourse I have to appeal this decision? the rep said I could go to the doc who submitted the conversation and ask her to recant or say statement was in error. are they serious??? any response would be appreciated.
July 7, 2012 at 9:33 PM
This is an outrage! Tell them about this site and you have made a complaint, maybe that will help.