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Deb's complaint:
July 04, 2012

Insurance Company: PET - 24PetWatch
Coverage Type: Pet Insurance

  • PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Reimbursement
  • Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
  • Claim Handling - Denial of Claim

I know this might be insignificant to some that i am irritated about pet insurance. But, shouldn't some one oversee this huge industry? I have paid premiums for7 months and submitted three claims all with the necessary paperwork. The shelter where I adopted my cat from treated my cat for diarrhea and didn't note any diagnosis. This insurance company asked for additional notes or statements from a vet/hospital that I took my cat to. The rep from the insurance company said I made a statement to the vet that I believed that my cat had symptoms since I adopted him. I asked the rep " Is this denial due to my supposed statement? the reply was yes! An insurance company can deny a claim because of heresay or a statement made by someone other than a doctor? In fact both letters of denial I received were in reference to a possible condition of ear mites which were not present but I was give medicine for just in case the test was not conclusive. I did not give this to the cat because I wanted to treat one condition first, the diarrhea. It just seems that they were going to deny this claim no matter what. I am feeling this pet insurance is a scam! Please is there any recourse I have to appeal this decision? the rep said I could go to the doc who submitted the conversation and ask her to recant or say statement was in error. are they serious??? any response would be appreciated.

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Carol says:
July 7, 2012 at 9:33 PM

This is an outrage! Tell them about this site and you have made a complaint, maybe that will help.

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