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Don's complaint:
December 14, 2013

Insurance Company: New York Life Insurance Company
Coverage Type: Life Insurance

  • PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
  • PolicyHolder Service - Incompetent Employees
  • PolicyHolder Service - Delays/No Response
  • PolicyHolder Service - Payment Not Credited
  • PolicyHolder Service - Denied Access to Services
  • PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Reimbursement
  • PolicyHolder Service - Unfair Negotiation
  • Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
  • Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer
  • Marketing & Sales - Misrepresentation
  • Marketing & Sales - High Pressure Tactics
  • General - I feel abused by this company

AARP and new york refuses to return my $ 4,431.36 I paid into my life insurance. I contacted BBB/ Indiana department of insurance in Indianapolis 317-232-2385 . report number 71619. They said stems from limitation ,what ever this means. They cannot help me either. In 8 years New york never sent me a statement and now they break it down as a percentage. I cannot afford a lawyer they want a percentage. I need to make my own arrangements while i am still alive .
New York and AARP refuse to work with the insurance department and they say I should keep paying my insurance $ $ 92.32 X 12 month = $ 1,107.84 X 4 years is $ 4,431.36. What are Indiana senior to do when they are trying to take the burdens from the love ones. We like to make our arrangements and pay on this arrangements in advance. The new york life insurance co never sends a statement to the insurer, this is not good practice for seniors.
I hope we can pass a law to protect us from all insurance co doing business in Indiana and give IDOI more control. They did all they could I guess. I need the total amount paid in advance and add save for the balance for my burial arrangements .
Thank you DB
All the payments was paid out of direct deposit and we have a new years and they persist on laying . Premiums to be paid to me 71619 life insurance naic # 66915

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Shawn/Independent Agent says:
December 18, 2013 at 5:45 PM

Hi Don, I can help you obtain legal help without the high costs, and without them taking a percentage of what you are owed. Please contact me at shawn@promiseinsurance.com. I will send you more info.

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