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Lorraine's complaint:
December 01, 2013

Insurance Company: Allstate
Coverage Type: Disability Insurance

  • Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
  • Claim Handling - Denial of Claim

I filed a disability claim with Allstate back in July of 2012. However, the company approved my claim and constantly kept requesting my medical records in order to issue my disability checks every month. In January of 2013, the company denied my claim for continued disability payments stating that my medical file was sent for a independent review by a team of there doctors to denied my claim. I reported Allstate to the NYS department of financial services because I know that the company is using illegal tactics to denied my claim. I now was involved in a auto crash as of February 1, 2013 and at this time I requested that the insurance company continue to pay out on my claim because I couldn't work due to me having new injuries onto of old injuries. The insurance company took my original claim for disability and turned it into a accident claim. The company requested my medical records from my auto crash and denied my continue disability based off information that had nothing to do with my original claim. Allstate been telling stories to denied my claim and as of December 2, 2013 they owe me $9000 and are refusing to pay what's owed to me. I want everyone in the world to know that you need to investigate these insurance companies before investing your money. I been through hell and back with allstate and I'm going to fight them until the end.

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Shawn/Independent Agent says:
December 18, 2013 at 5:50 PM

Hi Lorraine, This is a nightmare situation. Do you have legal counsel?

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