October 31, 2013
Insurance Company: Humana
Coverage Type: Health Insurance
- General - I feel abused by this company
I have been with Florida Cancer Specialists for 8 years and Humana has now decided to end the contract with them in March of 2014. With no explanation as to why, I am very concerned. I have been seeing the same hemotologist for 8 years and once you have a form of cancer and are confident in the Dr. you have it is very hard to change to another facility and Dr.
Please, someone help us here in Florida to save ourselves from having to change insurance companies just to be able to see the Dr. we want to see. I understand I can change my plan with Humana and get out of network care with the same Dr. but that would means more expense to me and my family.
Please help Humana to see what it is like to have to change Dr. when you have cancer. It is already devistating enough to have cancer and then after 8 years find another Dr. you feel confident with.
Thank you for listening.
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