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Brian's complaint:
October 01, 2013

Insurance Company: Progressive
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle

  • Claim Handling - Denial of Claim

I drove my vehicle to someone's house on a day when the street that this house was on was being reasphalted. I picked up fresh tar on my tires and drove onto this person's concrete driveway. The tar from my tires left four tire tracks 30 feet long up a nice concrete driveway and wrecked it. Progressive insurance, to my absolute amazement, claims that this has nothing to do with my vehicle. They claim that this homeowner should go after the asphault company. Of course the shape of the tar matching the shape of my Progressive insured vehicle's tire tracks apparently has absolutely nothing to do with anything. My vehicle was the instrument that did the damage to this person's driveway. If this is not covered by Progressive insurance Company, I will cancel all my policies with this company.

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