September 28, 2013
Insurance Company: State Farm Insurance
Coverage Type: Homeowners Insurance
- Claim Handling - Denial of Claim
My claim to repair damage caused by a water leak behind a kitchen wall was denied by State Farm. The adjuster and his boss stated the claim was denied because of the cause of the problem rather than the end results. The damage was caused by a slow leak behind a wall and there was absolutely no way of anyone knowing it existed. According to the adjuster and his boss, had the damage occurred due to an immediate rush of water, it would have been covered. although the damage and end result for both is the same, my claim was denied. Obviously after being a loyal customer since 1979, I am highly not disappointed and frustrated with this decision and I am inclined to drop my complaint. I am aware of others that basically had the same situation and their claim was approved.
October 2, 2013 at 12:16 PM
Read your policy. It's not covered. It's not the insurance company's fault that you don't know what's covered and what isn't. And Cathy, a if she got a public adjuster, they would say the same thing. Not covered.
October 1, 2013 at 12:56 PM
Get yourself a Public Adjuster.