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Irma's complaint:
July 10, 2013

Insurance Company: Progressive
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle

  • Claim Handling - Fraud

I was rear-ended by a Progressive policy holder on June 12, 2013 because she was using her phone and just plowed into me when I stopped at a 3-way stop sign - replying "I thought you were just gonna go." Da - you have to stop at a stop sign!
I contacted a local attorney who was willing to accept my case - I received a call from Progressive on the 13th - wanting to settle the claim - I informed Progressive I was retaining an attorney. On the 14th I received another call from another Progressive Rep. who convinced me not to retain an attorney - they would pay my medical bills, fix my car and give me a little for my pain and time. I took my vehicle in on the 19th and Progressive provided a rental vehicle, gave me a check for $1100 and $2500 was approved for my medical care. The Progressive Rep even told that healcare providers no longer accept third-party checks but just to have them call her directly and I shouldn't have any problem - Progressive works with these providers all the time. Needless to say - so this day (July 10, 2013) I HAVE NOT RECEIVED ANY MEDICAL CARE BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE AN ATTORNEY !!! I have to pay for the services up front and then be reimbursed - I don't have any money - or any health insurance - I paid tution with the $1100 I was issued and Progressive will not help me!!!! The adjuster and her manager, and her boss and his district manager - are all giving me the run around - I should have saved the money to see the doctor. I need at least $800 for the first visit and physicial therapy and Progressive will not help. Progressive had no intention of paying the $2500 allotted for the treatment of my injuries. Progressive intentionally knew I was not going to reveive care unless I paid out of pocket which they failed to mention. PROGRESSIVE HAS NO INTENTION OF PAYING OUT THE $2500 - how many other uninsured victims is Progressive taking advantage of - so they can keep monies intended for medicla treatment! I'm filing a "bad faith" claim because they gained my trust - with the intention of keeping the $2500 they "supposedly" alloted for my medicla care. They convinced me not to obtain an attorney - because that would just take too long - knowing that the only way I could receive medical treatment from a third-party was if I had retained an attorney. Please help me get the medicla care I need and make Progressive pay out the $2500 so I can write a personal check for my care!

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Jon says:
July 10, 2013 at 11:05 PM

Boooo! You idiot, you should have never driven without your own insurance. Please do not waste your money on tuition of any kind. The smart ones of us out there need people like you to clean our houses, flip our hamburgers and serve as prostitutes, etc.

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