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jennifer's complaint:
July 02, 2013

Insurance Company: State Farm Insurance
Coverage Type: Homeowners Insurance

  • Underwriting - Premium Too High
  • Underwriting - Refusal to Insure
  • Underwriting - Cancellation
  • PolicyHolder Service - Unfair Negotiation
  • Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer
  • Claim Handling - Denial of Claim

i bought insurance about 6 months ago on a home in carrollton, numerous problems with home,alot of repairs so i was moving in a little at a rime,first someone plowed into my fence and took out about 30 feet of fence,state farm will not pay for that-then someone kicked in my door,stayed at the house for hours and removed my fuse box and all the wires they could cut,my hvac is damaged all the wires removed-state farm said i did not have the insurance long enough for them to pay out for a claim-and since i wasn't living in the house ar the time-they won't help-none of this was in writing or mentioned to me when i paid the high payment-i do not have the money to repair all that destroyed-no electricity-state farm said they would cancel my policy-i am 63 years old and have no way to repair all this.what can i do?

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Piedmont Disaster Services says:
July 15, 2013 at 1:33 PM

First have a Public Adjuster look at your policy and look for coverage. If you have what is called a HO-3 policy you should be covered. Second if that does not work out their are plenty of attorney's out there that will take this case on for a percentage of the claim. The attorney will go after bad faith claim handling plus what it actually cost to do the repairs. I do know licensed Public Adjusters in your state. So there should not be a problem for you. Or you can send me a copy of your declarations page and I will have someone in North Carolina look into it for you. You can e-mail it to info@clearchoicecarolina.com

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