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anna's complaint:
June 11, 2013

Insurance Company: Farmers Insurance Group
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle

  • Underwriting - Premium Too High
  • PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
  • General - I feel abused by this company

I have been covered by farmers insurance for 50 years and never had any problems, the last (about) 3 years every six months my insurance has gone up not 10-20 dollars it goes up 100 dollars or more! Last month we had one claim of 1600 hundred dollars 1600 hundred not thousand this month my policy went up 266.60! I have all my coverage with Farmers Life home auto and if this is the kind of discount they give keep it I have tried to talk to my agent to explain to me why every six months we get such a large increase and it is unbelievable that rates are going up at this rate there is no reason to stay with the same insurance company because you don't get no discount for all of the coverage you have life auto home. I don't know of any one who could afford a insurance company who raises rates this extreme! Every time we talk to our agent he says well that is a big truck and if you had a accident some one is going to get hurt )NO LIE) or the best one the rates went up ok but enough is enough! Hate to leave farmers but there is no reason to stay I could get this kind od treatment from any one

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Piedmont Disaster Services says:
July 15, 2013 at 2:47 PM

Farm Bureau is one of the worst insurance companies out there. And this is from my own dealings with them you need to go to a different company. And don't go to ALLSTATE or State Farm. In Ohio you can get a good company like Central they are headquartered there in OHIO.

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