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Mary's complaint:
February 26, 2013

Insurance Company: State Farm Insurance
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle

  • PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
  • PolicyHolder Service - Incompetent Employees
  • PolicyHolder Service - Delays/No Response
  • PolicyHolder Service - Payment Not Credited
  • PolicyHolder Service - Abusive Service
  • PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Reimbursement
  • Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
  • Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer
  • General - I feel abused by this company

On December 12, 2012 I drove into a huge puddle while driving down a dark road. Florida rain had flooded roads with a record 11 inches in two hours. Car went for repair and was not fixed until today, February 26, 2013. Actually, after a week in the shop State Farm suggested I drive the unrepaired car for two weeks to see if the problem would correct itself!! Forget pesky repairs, magical auto self-healing....!? Engine compression was low and car ran badly during my test drive. I refused to take it and the delays with repair began.
State Farm was avoiding expensive engine replacement suggested by the dealer. They conceded and replaced it with a used/recycled engine against dealer suggestion.
The kicker is that Statem Farm and dealer finally agreed to repairs and cost and after the last supplement for payment on 2/15/13 I never got the final check for repairs. The car was ready and the money was not sent. State Farm was horrible with delays and non-payment. They went weeks past my rental coverage trying to avoid necessary repairs. Luckily, BMW dealer gave me a car for 22 days at no charge.I had to fight for reimbursement for my rental and only recieved partial payment back. Now I am waiting for State Farm to FEDX the payment so I can finally get my car. A car that now has lost tons of value and is repaired with used parts that are warrantied by State Farm. How reassuring....RUN FROM STATE FARM.

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