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Tina's complaint:
February 14, 2013

Insurance Company: State Farm Insurance
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle

  • Underwriting - Premium Too High
  • Underwriting - Nonreneweal
  • General - I feel abused by this company

I have been a customer of State Farm for over a decade, I have everything I own with State Farm, Cars, home & life insurance, recently I received a letter about non-renewal of my autos due to excessive claims, I have had two accitdents claims and two roadside claims within the last two years and one due to an act of God, I was under the impression taht the roadside claims could not cause a company not to renew, these were $60 dollars claims, I have paid several thousands of dollars over the life of my policies and I feel the company has not been fair. Recently I check the 6month premium on State Farm website, the amount listed there was $400 doallars cheaper than what I have opaid, upon contacting state Farm requeting a copy of the renewal amounts, I have been told I would be mailed a copy, two weeks later nothing has been received, I would like to file a complaint with the insurance regulators and I am not sure who to contact, I will be moving all of my polices to a new carrie this month.

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