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Christy's complaint:
February 11, 2013

Insurance Company: State Farm Insurance
Coverage Type: Homeowners Insurance

  • Claim Handling - Denial of Claim

A tree fell on my house June 29th 2012 and completely demolished it. The tree was removed 7 days later and then the house was torn down 30 days later. During that time my house was exposed to weather and all the other elements, like extreme heat and rain. My house was left open from the time the tree was removed until it was torn down. So now after all this my basement is full of mold. The insurance company is saying my policy will not pay for mold regardless how it happened. But my policy does state my house will be returned to its previous condition. Anyone know how I can get this fixed? They are refusing to even consider fixing it. I have even filed a complaint with the Ohio board of insurance, the wont even help me.

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Piedmont Disaster Services says:
July 15, 2013 at 6:02 PM

You have a valid complaint. If not in your basic replacement costs this should be covered, if not in the ordinance and law the StateFarm likes to charge everyone for code up-grades. Contact a Public Adjuster or an attorney and bring suit for bad faith claim handling. I can pretty much think that you will get their attention

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