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Bartholomew's complaint:
May 31, 2012

Insurance Company: Progressive
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle

  • PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Reimbursement

As per claim #113127914 in the Progressive system and as stated in Florida HSMV Crash Report Number 01515120 filed by by Seminole County Sworn Deputy Sheriff Jusino on 06/27/2011 at 13:02 Vehicle 1 [not my car] was at fault. I want to be reimbursed for my deductible of $500. It seems to me that because my wife is Brazilian that this claim is expected to go away and I am being discriminated against. I am an American citizen who paid a premium for your services and I want Progressive to make good on the service sold to me. I am unsatisfied with the way this has been handled and I believe I am being treated differently that other clients because my wife is foreign. I want what is rightfully mine and I expect Progressive to do what it promised when it opened the policy. I feel I have been mistreated and want the situation remedied. I submitted copies of the Law Enforcement Short Form Report # 01515120 to Progressive and I have other copies should it have been misplaced. I am very upset by the handling by Progressive of this matter and feel it is my duty to share it with everyone.

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