January 26, 2013
Insurance Company: GEICO
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle
- Underwriting - Cancellation
- Underwriting - Unfair Surcharge
- PolicyHolder Service - Payment Not Credited
- General - I feel abused by this company
My last two payment was made to my policy and Geico claim they where not,I corrected that, So I thought!!,Now they claim that my payment for Jan.17.2013 was not made after they assure me that the payment was made!!!!,???,,on the 17th of Jan.when I spoke to a represenitive on that day.On the 26.2013 I received a Letter, stating that I been cancel as of the 23rd of Jan.2013.and I must give them $195.00,,(WHAT)..I say this a second time,WHAT..i NEED HELP DEALING this Company..
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