January 19, 2013
Insurance Company: UnitedHealth Group
Coverage Type: Health Insurance
- Claim Handling - Denial of Claim
I had group coverage during 2012. I am qualified for Medicare Part B & began coverage Nov. 1, 2012. Even though all premiums were paid & the $1600 annual deductible had been met, United Helath Care says they have the right to move backward from Nov. 2012 & deny any claims processed prior to Nov 2012. They said its their policy to only honor Medicare if it begins Jan 1st of any calendar year. United Health Care is penalizing me for starting medicare benefits late in the calndar year. Its a racket: pay premiums, pay the deductible & then be denied benefits! As an inusured, I am denied benefits. The Social Security Administration is not allowed to move backward from Nov 2012 but United Health Care is allowed to stiff its customers!
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