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Lora's complaint:
January 07, 2013

Insurance Company: Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
Coverage Type: Health Insurance

  • PolicyHolder Service - Incompetent Employees
  • General - I feel abused by this company

Because I turned 60 Bluecross upped my insurance $300. per month just for me on top of the outrageous amt I already paid, so I went with another company but leaving my husband on the policy they wouldnt drop me until I proved to them I had other coverage and fill out their proper papers which I did everything they asked then an employee to bluecross said to be sure not to be charged for the month of Jan he was going to cancel my autodraft and then bluecross would send me a bill for the new amnt for my husband and then we start a new draft for the new amnt, sounds easy doesn't it well it wasn't the status dept didnt do their job and bluecross sent me a 3 month bill for $3,000.00 for both of us and if not paid my husband would be cancelled too but he can't get other coverage because of a heart stent. too bad for us and its just wrong I did what they asked when they asked and they didn't do their part and now we are screwed by an insurance company imagine that!

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