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Lowell's complaint:
December 28, 2012

Insurance Company: Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company
Coverage Type: Homeowners Insurance

  • Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
  • Claim Handling - Denial of Claim

Hurricane isiac aug 2012 filed claim FEMA and flood adjusters inspected and settled within one week.thanks. Wind policy separate adjuster had wrong cell number, promised written copy of inspection. Now 28dec and still no inspection reports. No final claim settlement for 5 months old. Four separate adjuster inspections and still waitin for settlement itemized list submitted 4months ago and partial claim settled. Nationwide contracted boulder claims in colarado,boulder sub contracted adjusters and no check and no written inspections(4). I had to retain attorney to get partial settlement.insurance adjusters not consistent. One contacts attorney, several contact me. Poor communications eg, wrong cell number furnished by contractor delayed adjuster inspection. 4seperate inspections for small dollar value claim, repeat inspections add to cost of claims and future premiums. Suggest companies limit contracting and subcontracting. Suggest time limit on denying claim and settlement just like time limit on over due premium. Thanks for prompt settlement flooding .

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