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Sondra's complaint:
December 04, 2012

Insurance Company: Humana
Coverage Type: Health Insurance

  • Claim Handling - Denial of Claim

I am a mental health provider who has in good faith seen a patinet and it is verified that his insurance covers my services; however, the insurance company has failed to pay this claim which was submitted back in July, and re-submitted several times since then.

They stated I had an incorrect diagnostic code on the form and it was corrected an re-submitted several times, with no response from them. Today I spent over a half an hour on the phone with them, and they are still denying the claim, stating the copy is not clear enough to read.

I spoke with Liz G and she gave me a reference #741528542515. Several months ago I was given a claim #001208073992042, and told in September that the check was in the mail.

Please investigate this as this appears to be bad faith on the part of the insurance. Your prompt response is greatly appreciated.

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