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Yasmin's complaint:
November 26, 2012

Insurance Company: Citizens Property Insurance Co
Coverage Type: Homeowners Insurance

  • Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
  • Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer

We were robbed twice in 2011. The first time was small in comparison with the second time. The first time it was personal items and we accepted the settlement. This was also the first claim we had with Citizens. The second robbery not only did they take a lot of our personal items but they also damaged our wood floor in our living room and our porcelain tile in the dining room and kitchen. We have proof of almost everything that we reported. The amount they gave us is not sufficient to repair the damage caused by the burglars. I feel like I have been a victim twice. Once by the burglars and now with our insurance co. We pay our very high premiums with no delay. They should pay us what we are rightfully owed. I don't understand how these insurance companies get away with this. Once again I feel the small people get taken advantage of. I will not let this happen. I do have a adjuster and I attorney that I will have to give some percentage of because our laws do not protect the citizens. I would like to get this settled so that I can make the necessary repairs and so that I can also put this all behind us.

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