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Ricky's complaint:
November 23, 2012

Insurance Company: GEICO
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle

  • Underwriting - Premium Too High

I have had insurance with several companys.. I have never had to file a claim or report an accident that was my fault, or had to have them cover another drivers claim on my vehicle..

I took a one year drivers education course in High school, and completed and did a excellent score on drivers test applying for licdense.

I have never had any misdaminer or felony charges against me

and accured a perfect driving record for personal and work relayed jobs.

I was courious why i was paying a $ 54.00 payment for just Liability coverage.. with such a good record and older vehicle. and only drive 8 miles to and from work

When a friend is paying just $18.00 more for full coverage for a newer vehicle,, He lives in a largert city,, he has several tickets and has filed claims. and drives furthur than i do

What happened to reconizing a good driving client , and charging them accordingly There has got to be something wrong here
Well I just found out that i had a citation against me from almost 2 yrs ago for following to close, which i went to court on and it was thrown out and didnt have to pay anything not even the 25,00 court fee from the Judge..

I was told that this wouldnt go on my record due to i did nothiing illegal at this time,,

How do i get this off my record, and explaining thisa to the rep she wasnt cancerned that I was having to pay 4
$28.00 more for just Liability because of this . and wasnt even a major issue and this is the only citation or claim i have had in 33 years..and then a not so good driver can pay a little of nothing.

This isnt the only company that has done this to me But there is no way this is acceptable for such a petty ordeal and with such a perfect driving record

please help me i cant afford this. especially out of work.

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