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Marsha's complaint:
November 23, 2012

Insurance Company: UnitedHealth Group
Coverage Type: Health Insurance

  • Underwriting - Premium Too High
  • PolicyHolder Service - Unfair Negotiation

Representative visited my home and gave me a 2013 rate. I also got the 2013 rates off line and from other agents. At this date November 23, 2013 the agents do not have a book with the increased rate. The agents and members do not have a choice, since December is last date you can sign up. I payed the yearly payment in full. Then 2 weeks later, I received a payment coupon for $210 for the month of December 2013. I was confused since I had payed in full and thought the coupon was for first payment in Jan 2014. I called the company and was told there was a percentage rate increase after I had signed a contract at a rate agreed upon.

I feel they should accept my payment in full since they did not reveal their rates by the deadlne date.

The company is allowing agents to rewrite policies upgrading policies from one plan to other and then charging rates at age of 65 when they were first allowed to come into plan.

How is that fair that their agents are allowed to conduct business in this illegal manner? My agent is honorable and is losing customers because of the lack of current rates. Elderly customers are being held by the ying yang!!!!

I do not feel that the agent was at fault!!! FIX IT!!

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