May 17, 2012
Insurance Company: Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company
Coverage Type: Homeowners Insurance
- Underwriting - Premium Too High
- PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
- Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
- Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer
- General - I feel abused by this company
I had a house fire in 2010 and been homeless after the year our living expense insurance gave out. I'm suing Nationwide and will win in the fall of 2012, or the spring of 2013 for the full amount plus expenses, etc. The government is not holding insurance companies accountable for breaking contracts with their customers. I guess we are supposed to have two homes just in case one of them burns and we are left suing the companies for years on end.
May 17, 2012 at 9:23 PM
I had a House fire back in 2008 and we had to sue our insurance company too! I'll post my story tomorrow. I feel your pain...hang in there!