November 14, 2012
Insurance Company: Aetna
Coverage Type: Health Insurance
- Marketing & Sales - Misrepresentation
I will be getting medicare and I contacted an american ciontinent ins co and I was contacted by two representives and I signed all the papers to get me going. They said my ins payment would be taken out of my account on feb 1st-2013. About a week later I was overdrawn $150. This ins co went ahead and took or tried to take this out of my account but it wasnt there. I called the representive and told him about this and his excuse was : I didnt know about this and then proceeded to ask if I want to fill out another application and I told him no. I looked at my acct just awhile ago and they tried to take it out again so now i will have to close my account. This company is deceiving and I wrote and told them but no reply. Then I got papers from aetna and I guess it is through thm. Both these companys are deceiving and will try to get your money.
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