October 24, 2012
Insurance Company: American Income Life Insurance Company
Coverage Type: Life Insurance
- Underwriting - Cancellation
- PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
- PolicyHolder Service - Incompetent Employees
- PolicyHolder Service - Delays/No Response
- PolicyHolder Service - Payment Not Credited
- Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
- Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer
- Marketing & Sales - Misrepresentation
I replaced my pri-america life insurance with AIL Insuraance Co. The agent said that she will cancel my policy with Pri-America at my request. So when I got a letter from Pri-America saying that I'm thinking of cacelling their policy I ignored the letter because my agent, Catherine C. Minor said that she'll take care of it. I then noticed 4 months later that Pri-America was still deducting my premiums automactically. I then contacted agent and finally she said that I'll get a refund check for $426.00 within 10 days and that the company will pay it. Since then it's been almost two months and I haven't been able to contact Ms. Minor leaving her messages to call me. No response. My last message stated that I will take this matter up with the regional office if she doesn't respond. Still no call back.
October 25, 2012 at 4:28 PM
Jane, We would recommend calling AIL corporate in Waco, TX not a regional office. You can reach them directly at 254 761 6400. Many agents that are new to the business simply to not have the experience to properly handle all the day to day issues they are confronted with. In this case we believe the agent is responsible for making the entire company look bad. I founded InsurnaceComplaint.com and I have had life insurance with AIL for 20 years, never an issue. You should also request they transfer you to a more experienced agent. Let us know how you make out, good luck.
October 25, 2012 at 4:28 PM
Jane, We would recommend calling AIL corporate in Waco, TX not a regional office. You can reach them directly at 254 761 6400. Many agents that are new to the business simply to not have the experience to properly handle all the day to day issues they are confronted with. In this case we believe the agent is responsible for making the entire company look bad. I founded InsurnaceComplaint.com and I have had life insurance with AIL for 20 years, never an issue. You should also request they transfer you to a more experienced agent. Let us know how you make out, good luck.