September 30, 2012
Insurance Company: Selective Insurance
Coverage Type: Flood Insurance
- Claim Handling - Denial of Claim
My basement was filled to the joists with water after Hurricane Irene and the flood adjuster estimated (because he didn't arrive until a week later after the flood waters had subsided) that my flood line was 7 feet. My basement ceiling is unfinished, and it was obvious that: a) the water did reach the joists, and b) that the water rushing into my basement was not calm, so there was obvious sloshing and wave action involved. My first floor floors are clearly damaged from moisture! The floor damage portion of my claim was denied by Selective Insurance Co. Their reason was "we insure against direct physical loss by or from flood". They also stated that "any damage to my floors is indirectly related to the flooding event". How can obvious moisture damage NOT be directly related to this event?
October 3, 2012 at 12:17 PM
I can't believe they get away with this stuff. I would appeal it and mention this site!