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Patricia's complaint:
September 26, 2012

Insurance Company: Cigna
Coverage Type: Health Insurance

  • General - I feel abused by this company

Denver Health & Hospitals provided ambulance service May of 2010. They billed me for base rate (850.00) plus milage (108.00) which I have paid, but they say they also provided Oxygen (51.00) Medication (20.00) what kind they do not say, ECG monitor (70.00) and IV NO blood draw (40.00). Why am I being billed for a non service? I was NOT provided these services and have been protesting them since day one. They have now turned ne over to collections for $164.00. I refuse to pay these charges, as I have copies of the emergency room report and do not see anywhere that I had oxygen or a monitor on when admitted. Please help me get this cleared up and off my credit report. Thank you

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