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Chauncey's complaint:
September 23, 2012

Insurance Company: United of Omaha
Coverage Type: Life Insurance

  • Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays

My wife passed away on july 17, 2012.Seh had a $5,000 life
policy with United od Omaha. I contacted United on 7-25-2012.
They told me to gather some information an submit it to them.
I did this and sent the information to them on 8-1-2012 certified mail and it was received by United on 8-6-2012 by Bill
Saxton. On 8-16-2012 I calleb United to see if check had been sent. They said it takes between 15 5o 20 days to process claim. I called again on 9-17-2012 to see if check had been sent. They said they had been very busy and check would be
sent on 9-18-2012. As of 9-22-2012 I have not received a check
for a total of 47 days from the date the information was
I hope you can be of help.

Thank you,
Chauncey Barton Allen Jr.

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