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Jasmine's complaint:
September 13, 2012

Insurance Company: Esurance
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle

  • Claim Handling - Rude/Abusive Adjuster
  • Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
  • Claim Handling - Unjustified Accusations
  • General - I feel abused by this company

I purchased a vehicle June 2012 from a Craigslist advertisement. I immediately called Esurance to get full coverage. On July 18, 2012, while driving I was struck by another driver, the police were called, a report was made and there was also a witness on scene. A few weeks later I received a call from Esurance stating they were going to total out my car but I could keep it minus the salvage amount. I decided to take them up on that offer to keep my vehicle and be paid a lesser amount. Following the accident, I suffered pain and was unable to be as active with my children. Despite that we already had a trip planned to disney world which I wasnt going to make them miss. We went on the trip as scheduled althogh I was unable to enjoy it. Upon our return on August 4, there was a horrible storm in the Chicago area, which we hadnt experienced in months, while driving my roof began to leak and I utilized me and my childrens jackets to soak up the rain and plastic bags to attempt to catch the rain. Debris was flying all over and hit the front of my vehicle braking part of the mount on the windshield. I called into Esurance to make a claim and was informed by the agent that I may need to do a seperate claim for the water damage due to it coming into the vehicle and there could potentially be more damage inside the vehicle. But he informed me to wait and ask the appraiser who was assigned to my case. Upon the appraiser coming out he informed me of the same thing I needed to make a seperate claim but while he was there he wrote the estimate for my roof. He informed me that I needed to take my car into a mechanic so the mechanic could determine what other damage if any was caused by the rain coming into my vehicle. The debris damage was taken paid for on the spot minus my deductible and I was informed another apprasil may be nescessary if requested by the adjuster. Anoter apprasil was requested and performed by the same appraser a week or so later. I was informed that my claim had been forwarded to the Special Investigations Unit due to my previous claims but that each claim was stand alone and one would not be based off of the others. The investigator assigned to my claim was the same one who had worked a previous claim which had been resolved and paid for. But upon speaking to the investigator he informed me that it would be in my best interest to drop this claim, because it wouldnt look good and if I were his daughter he would advisse me of the same and that although I had full coverage at the time on my vehicle it should have been dropped to liability after the accident since the company does not cover salvage vehicles. I told him that I would think about his advise and decide wether to move forth. After speaking with close friends and family, I decided to move forth with my claim. One because I had been paying my premium and two because this was not my fault and since they covered one part of the claim how could they deny this portion. On the day of my recorded conversation with him, I told him all of the facts of the claim and he in turn questioned my trip of being out of state prior to the incident and questioned wether I actually took my children to disney with me, phone records, bill of the work I had done to my vehicle prior to the incident and an approximate area which I was when the debris hit and what location I was at when I stopped to buy my children popeyes chicken. I sent him all the documents requested within a few hours of his request; because according to him it all sounded suspect. The investigator did not contact the mechanic until August 28, 18 days after he received the information, and after I contacted him several times to find out where he was on the investigation. I finally got fed up and contacted his supervisor to inform him of how I was feeling, he assured me that the invesigator was not attempting to delay the process and that he would speak with him to find out what was going on with the claim and get back to me. After a follow up with the Supervisory investigator, I requested my claim be reassinged to another investigator due to the annomosity I felt from the original investigator. Instead of the Supervisory investigator contacting me back I was contacted via email and telephone at my place of employment by the original investigator staing my claim would not be reassigned and that he contacted me at my job since he assumed I was taking care of this claim during work hours, he also stated he got my work information from a claim back in April that he worked on. I was highly upset and emailed him, his supervisor, my adjuster and her supervisor telling them that this was wrong and asking once again for my claim to be reassigned due to the disrespectful nature of the investigator as well as me feeling harassed. I did all of this from my personal email and cellular telephone which were the only items listed in this claim. He went above and beyond to harass me and although he origianlly stated he wanted to get in contact with me expediciuosly he didnt email nor call me until the next day. Only to accuse me of harrassing him and the other employees and he threatened to go to my job and lodge a complaint against me, although I did not do anything under my work nor did I attempt to do any wrongdoing. I was more than patient and replied to the requests from them that were available to me. But for him to attempt to turn it around to say that I harrassed him is a flat out lie. He is attempteing to cover his own behind and make me look as if I have done something wrong when I havent. Im not sure if this is racially motivated, if he is angry about my previous claims or is he just bitter that I did not drop the claim as he advised me, but whatever it is I plan to get it resolved very soon. It has been over a month and still nothing but pettiness. I am attempting to stay cool, calm and collected but its extremely hard when someone is threatening you not only in the line of their duties but also personally.
I have attempted to contact his supervisor again and have not received a response until today that stated he is out of town and will return on 9/14/12. I have been not only violated but also mentally drained by this entire ordeal, what actions can be taken against this company?

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