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Sherilyn's complaint:
September 13, 2012

Insurance Company: USAA
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle

  • Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
  • Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer

It has been over a year since I was involved in an automobile accident, which was not my fault, the police report proved 100% the fault of the other driver. Despite the documents signed for them to request medical records and bills, I had to gather, pay for and send all the medical records to the USAA insurance adjuster. Instead of telling me of all the medical records the USAA insurance adjuster needed at one time, they requested them individually. I would get records from one provider, and then I would hear that they can not move forward because they needed another. Delaying any possibility of settlement for months. Despite weekly if not more often phone calls, I would only hear back from the USAA insurance adjuster monthly. Every time the USAA insurance adjuster was supposed to fax something to me, it was at least three times, I would hear that it was done, it wasn't and the final time I had to call, and say I was at the fax machine, do it now, and only then would I get it. Due to the accident I could not walk for nearly three weeks, and afterwards needed assistance walking for an additional ten weeks, and USAA insurance, thought that my expenses for a care provider was unnecessary. When you can't take care of yourself, who is suppose to help you if not a care provider? I was hit on my left side and my jaw was pushed out of alignment and they tried to deny that, stating that it was pre-exsisting, despite the three doctors statements stating the contrary. I still need treatment for this, and since I can not afford it without the settlement, I go untreated, which has decreased the chances for my jaw to actually be fixed. There is now an 80% chance that my jaw will be permanently damaged, and if I do get treatment, now the costs may have tripled and I may need therapy for my jaw because of the delay. I realize that I am not the only case that the USAA insurance adjuster is dealing with, and I have been patient far beyond what is generous to be. If the USAA insurance adjuster would communicate, this could have been settled, and it should have been. If the USAA insurance adjuster would do what they say, much less what they are suppose to, it would have been settled. I worked with insurance companies and with personal injury claims for 13 years so I know the routine and this is beyond the games it usually is. The stalling of this settlement is causing such financial problems, that I worry about loosing my home and my car, not to mention what it is doing to my credit. I am willing to settle to a fair amount, an amount which will just put me financially to where I was before the accident and with my expenses paid. On a Friday afternoon I was driving home, home to introduce my new baby granddaughter to her great-grandmother, and because of one drive who was not paying attention, I am physically and financially suffering. The physical may be permanent, yet the financial shouldn't be.

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