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Jeff's complaint:
September 12, 2012

Insurance Company: Humana
Coverage Type: Health Insurance

  • Marketing & Sales - Misrepresentation

My premium went up again by 20% on June 1, 2012. I called them up on July to see how to save money. Phone agent said I could go to a new plan that was covered under the new healthcare reforms with a higher deductible and save 35%. She emailed me the application and said that as long as I got it in by end of month, I would be OK. It didn't have to go through underwriting (that was said in an email), just billing. I did this on 8/31. I called today and they told me it was in underwriting and could take another 14 days (hopefully by 9/30). Today another agent signed me up for a new plan over the phone that. No forms to fill out, not underwriting and saves me even more money. I am upset that I was misinformed, in writing, and it cost me a minimum of $700, and likely $1400 in premium expense.

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