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James's complaint:
September 05, 2012

Insurance Company: MetLife
Coverage Type: Health Insurance

  • PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
  • PolicyHolder Service - Delays/No Response
  • Claim Handling - Delays upon Delays
  • Claim Handling - Denial of Claim
  • Claim Handling - Unjustified Accusations

I had an associate join my practice 3 mos ago, since then we have been fighting over and over to get him on as provider so that any dental work he does will be covered as a network provider. As of today we have had no response to our application and my doctor has recieved nothing but denials of payment for services since then. You would think they would hurry the process along to make our doctor a provider???? I have spoken to customer service and provider services and they have never really told me what the hold up is about. I have given them all the necessary documents to process the application and yet I still have not recieved reponse. They acutally accused that maybe my doctor was not liscensed????

Very Frustrated

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