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Malcolm's complaint:
August 13, 2012

Insurance Company: UnitedHealth Group
Coverage Type: Health Insurance

  • Underwriting - Premium Too High
  • PolicyHolder Service - Inadequate Service
  • PolicyHolder Service - Delays/No Response

My wife bought a Medicare supplement policy in Nov 1997. We thought that was all she would need since she was on Medicare. Over the years we had regular increases. Her health problems began to increase over the same time. When she turned 65 we neither heard from the agent or the company that she could convert over to a Medicare supplement. All the time thats what we thought we had. Her premiums continued to go up. In June of 2012 I contacted the company to find out why they had become so expensive. As far as she was concerned it didn't matter if we lost our home as long as she had adequate insurance for the health problems she was still having. I finally heard from the company some 6 to 8 weeks later with an offer to convert that policy at her current age. It seems that she had been sold a disability medicare supplement, which the company or the agent should have contacted us about a right to convert over. Never heard from either. The premiums at age 71 were $184.95 with a bank draft. When she turned 65 we were paying $277.95 then for 11 months it was $301.95. that was 2006. 2007 and it went to $313.95 and remained that until that 4th month in 2008 when it went to $325.95. It remained that until June 2009 when it went to $351.95 and remained until the second month of 2010 when it went to $402.95. It remained there until March 2011 when it went to $478.95. It remained there until May 2012 when it reached $534.95 for May and June of 2012 . She died in July.Her premiums should have been somewhere in the price range of $125. to $135. a month had it been converted over. With little figuring that amounts to several , several thousands of dollars that the company put in their coffers unnessarily. She did without of a lot of things to insured her health care needs were meet. The way companies are now days I just turned 65 and for five or six months my mail box was full of offers from all over the country, and from independent agencies. Now with this wealth of information how come her indurance company serve her with a letter about this possible savings, or the agent?

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