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Judi's complaint:
August 01, 2012

Insurance Company: Progressive
Coverage Type: Auto/Boat/Motorcycle

  • Claim Handling - Unsatisfactory Settlement/Offer

I currently have a claim #604897660. My car is in the process of being repaired. However, we were on our way to a concert at Riverbend. My car was not driveable and we were unable to go to the concert. I would like to file a claim to be reimbursed for these tickets.

I spoke to my agent, Renee Catteau (513-603-3382). She has been extremely nice and has tried to help in every way, except for the reimbursement of these tickets. The tickets were a birthday present for my husband. She spoke to her manager, but he said there is nothing they can do.

Can you help me?


Judi Ramey

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